Broken Leg

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Peter was swinging high through the city on a Saturday, enjoying the wind in his face, when he let the web go, to feel himself falling


He flicks his wrist to shoot another web, but no web fluid comes out. He keeps trying with both wrists, but it is clear what happened. 

He ran out of web fluid. 


"Yes. I recommend trying to lean your body to where the fall won't be fatal"

Peter does as Karen says, but he quickly looses control and starts spinning in the air. 

The ground kept getting closer and closer, and he couldn't do anything about it. 

He heard the screams of people on the ground, and he covers his head with his arms, and curls his body into himself to try to protect himself. 

As he gets closer to the ground, his leg hit a light post, and Peter cries out in pain. 

Thankfully, that slows him down just a little bit, so the impact wasn't so bad. 

Peter knew he would have some bruises on his body the next day. 

People next to him quickly go to his side

"Hey, are you ok?" People ask?

"Y-yeah. I'm ok" Peter answers as he sits up. 

"What happened?" A man asks next to him. 

"I ran out of web. I'm ok though. It wasn't a bad fall."

The man goes to help Peter up, but as soon as Peter puts weight on his right leg, he cries out in pain. 


Peter sees starts in his vision, and he gets dizzy. He puts all his weight on his left leg, and leans against the man. 

"Woah! Are you ok? What is it? Is it your leg? We need to get you to the hospital"

"No no no. I'm ok. It's just a sprain"

"Are you sure?"


"Well, then I'll help you to your living space"

"No. It's ok. I can't have anyone knowing anything about me. You know, secret identity and all."

"Understood. But at least let me get you near there"


The man puts Peter's right arm around his shoulders, and he puts his hand on Peter's waist to help him. They walk until Peter says, 

"Ok. Here's good. Thank you for your help."

"My pleasure. But promise me that you will get someone to check that leg"

"I promise"

The man smiles and walks away. Peter limps over to his apartment, and with each hobble, he grimaces. 

He's thankful that his Aunt is away on a business trip. As soon as he opens his apartment door, he talks to Karen. 

"K-karen, what's wrong with my leg?"

"You seem to have broken it in two places. Would you like me to call Mr. Stark?"

"NO! I'm fine. I'm just going to make a cast. I'll be fine"

Peter Parker (Tom Holland) SickFics/Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now