Are you sure?

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This is the chapter I promised to you guys a little bit ago, so now I'm completing the promise. 


Peter lay awake in bed, not being able to sleep, and he didn't knew why. 

"FRIDAY?" He whispered

"Yes Peter?" FRIDAY whispered back

"What time is it?"

"It is 1:32 in the morning"

"Thanks FRIDAY"

Peter sighed as he got up. He left his room and walked to the kitchen. 

He started making hot chocolate, and once it was done he poured it in a cup and started drinking it. 

After a few sips, he closed his eyes and focused on listening to everything that was going on around him. 

He could his own heartbeat, and the air flowing through the room. 


"Ah!" Peter turned around and saw Pepper standing there. 

"Oh, hi Pepper."

"Hi Peter. What are you doing awake?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep, so I came here to make some hot chocolate. Do you want some?"

"It's ok. I'll make some"

Pepper started making some hot chocolate, and once she was done, she sat next to Peter and started drinking the hot chocolate. 

"So, why are you awake?" Peter asked her. 

"I haven't been feeling too good."


"What can you hear?"

Peter closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. 

He could hear Pepper drinking the hot chocolate, his breathing, her breathing, the air moving through the room, and he could hear three heart beats. 


3 heartbeats?

That doesn't make sense. There were only 2 people in the room. 

Peter listened harder, focusing on the heartbeats and nothing else. There were two heartbeats that were stronger than the other heartbeat. 

He opened his eyes and looked at Pepper with wide eyes when realization dawned on him. 

Pepper looked back at him. "What?"

"Pep. There are three heartbeats"


"There are two people, but there are three heartbeats."

Pepper furrowed her eyebrows, and then her eyes opened wide. Her hand went to her stomach. 

"A-Are you sure?"

"I-I mean, that's just what I'm hearing, I could be wrong. You should go to the doctor, don't listen to me I could be wrong you know?"

"Peter." Pepper grabbed his hand. "I trust you more than any ultrasound"

She put his hand on her stomach. 

"Check again"

Peter. Hesitantly knelt down and put his ear to Pepper's stomach. He closed his eyes and focused on listening to heartbeats. And there was a soft, but strong heartbeat coming from Pepper's stomach. He leaned in closer and the heartbeat got stronger. 

"Pepper" He looked up

He smiled at Pepper, and she understood. 

"I-I'm pregnant?"

"I could be wrong."

"I know your ears are better than any test"

Peter smiled. He got up, and as soon as he did, Pepper hugged him. 

"Am I missing a party?"

Pepper and Peter both looked towards the living room. Pepper walked towards Mr. Stark

"Pep? Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Mr. Stark held Pepper's hands. 

"I am completely fine"

"Then why are you crying?"

Pepper smiled and put Mr. Stark's hand on her stomach. 

"Pepper what-" Mr. Stark's eyes opened wide. 

"Wait, seriously?" Mr. Stark asked

Pepper smiled and nodded. 

Mr. Stark hugged Pepper so hard, it seemed like he was going to squeeze the living daylights out of her. 

"Wait, how did you find out?" Mr. Stark said as he pulled out of the hug. 

Pepper looked back at Peter, who was standing by watching the scene. 

Mr. Stark looked at Peter, and smiled. He opened the arm that was not around Pepper and held it out. Peter walked towards Mr. Stark and as soon as Peter was at arms length, Mr. Stark pulled him into the hug, and soon enough, they joined in on a family hug. 


Ok guys! I do not think I will post another story today, it's pretty late, and I want to watch Home on Netflix. 

("I shall now sing the boov death song. AAAAAAiiiEEEiiEeOAAWwwwoOOoUUuuuUUUJOiiAOOOOOOOOoooOoOOoooOOit is rude to interrupt the death song)

Sorry, I had to. I LOVE Oh! He'd be such a fun and interesting pet/ companion to have (You has me for companion on this ship.)

(Painfully, there is a large bowl of lemonade. *drinks "lemonade"* AUGHHHH! DO NOT DRINK THE LEMONADE!)

 Anyway, I'll keep posting more tomorrow. Keep reading my little avengers and keep the world safe. 



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