Peter Fever

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Hi guys! YoungAvenger3000 here. If you have read any other of my fanfics, I'm glad you found this one. If you haven't go check out my account and there you'll find The New Avenger. If you have any recommendations please feel free to message me :) Now, onto the story


Peter was swinging through the city, looking for crime. He passed his algebra exam, got an A on his Spanish test, and nobody suspected anything during P.E. Not even Ned. Peter was feeling awful the whole day. It seemed like a little headache in the morning, so he didn't pay any attention to it. But as the day passed by, it seemed that the headache was more than a hammer to his head repeatedly. 

"Peter, there seems to be no crime at this moment" Karen says. 

Peter lands on the roof of a building and leans on a nearby ledge and closes his eyes. He grabs a holds his head. 

"Peter your temperature has risen dramatically" Karen says

"Ugh, it-it's just hot out here. I'm fine" Peter says with his eyes closed.

He takes deep breath, gets up, and shoots a web. He swings from building until suddenly feels a stabbing pain in his head. 

"AGH!" Peter lets go of his webs and falls to the ground unable to shoot a web.

He falls onto the ground on his side and becomes unconscious. 

"-ter-eter-Peter! Wake up!" Karen yells

"mppphhh" Peter moans.

"Peter you have been unconscious for 4.5 seconds. Your temperature has risen beyond the average temperature. Should I call Mr. Stark?"

"Ugh, n-no Karen, don-don't call Mr. Stark" 

"I'm sorry Peter, but my systems are overriding that order. Calling Mr. Stark"

"Mmgh, no" Peter said while attempting to get up. 

"Hey Pete, what's up? How's patrol going? Any old ladies getting you churros?"

"Mph" Is the only thing Peter responds

"Peter? You there? Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm ok. I'm fine. I just-just slammed into a wall. Some guy through me against the wall."  

"You need any help?" Mr. Stark asks

"No, I got this. I'll be fine" 

"Okaaaayyyy" Mr. Stark draws out before ending the call


"FRIDAY, get me the Peter's vitals" Tony said as soon as he ended the call. He knew something was up. Peter wasn't his usual bubbly self. 

"Peter has a steady temperature of 105.4 degrees fahrenheit. He has also had a headache since this morning and has progressively gotten worse. At the peak of his headache he was swinging and fell 20 feet in the air and landed on his side."

"WHAT?! FRIDAY get me a suit NOW!" Tony orders. 

Tony jumps out the window and the suit encases him. 

"FRIDAY show me Peter's location" 

A map with a dot shows up in front of him. It's about 10 blocks out. 

"FRIDAY put everything into the thrusters" 

FRIDAY does as she is told and Tony zooms across the sky. Soon enough, he sees a figure laying in an alley on the ground. He flies towards it. As he nears it, he sees red and blue. 

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