Golden Opportunities

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" Jamal, my husband James here is the owner of New Light publishers, I'm certain you've heard about them" no wonder he looks familiar. There was one time in my second year when we are asked to do an assignment on publishing companies we would love to have our books to get published with and white, I came across New Light and admired them so much for helping many famous writers publish their books, they looked over the top for me then so I decided to aim for less. " Yes I have, it's an honour to meet you sir" my goodness, I'm more than honoured. " Well Jamal, you remember you first session project in your second year?. The one about the romance between a schizophrenic and a Bipolar patient?" I thought about that story idea in like a day. " Yeah"

" Well that sparked our interests in the talent you have" she responds and Mr Kendall continues to speak. " I saw raw creative talent in that book you wrote. What sparked my interest most was the title, love in madness" wow. " It's a very nice book, I read it while editing it. I also read the one you wrote last year. You're good with different genres and I and my wife have been talking about helping you publish your books for three years now. We have watched you grow and we would love to help you show the world your works" okay wow. " We'd be publishing in Chicago, trust me the world is going to love you. I'm really excited you know, I really hope you would accept this offer" I'm literally doing an extremely happy dance in my head right now. Who would have thought that all this while, they've been keeping good tabs on me. " And we have high hopes for All we want is to be loved. It's a life reflecting story for black people you know, I knew you were going to do an excellent job at it" Mrs Kendall says with a big smile. " Indeed but hold on, you did say you didn't give it an ideal end. How about you take your time, see how events in your life unfold and spice it up" that's the perfect thing to do.

" Yes, that would be great" I respond happily. " Well are you accepting our offer or do you need to think about it?" Do I really need to think about it?. This is what I've been waiting for all my life and It's finally here. I'm sure Mr and Mrs Kendall wouldn't want to scam me for my work and take sole ownership of it, the Mrs Kendall I know is too sweet to do that. " Ah don't worry, you'll get sole ownership of your works. We're just helping you do this because we can't let your talent just go unseen, we would love to be part of your journey to success. Your publishing fees would be under us Jamal, and you'll gain your 50% of the profit" that sounds too much. " No please, allow me pitch in"

" No Jamal. Let's do this for you, please, in the memory of our late daughter, she would be more than happy to see us do this" Mrs Kendall says, placing her hand on mine and trying so hard to hold back her tears. I had no idea she even had a child, not to talk of her being late. " Okay then, may her soul rest in peace" I respond and the smiles on their faces melts my heart. Things have been going my way lately, even with the white privilege mindset I used to have. I've finally come to realise that indeed genuine talent gets your far in life irrespective of your race, even the stereotypes are still around, it has lessened. I'm more than grateful for how my life's going now and this is the beginning of a new, beautiful journey.

Mr and Mrs Kendall had accompanied me home to meet my family to break the news of our new deal, I didn't know why they insisted earlier but they did and now, I understand why. I came to realise that ever since they lost their daughter Michelle to leukemia at the age of 16, they've been longing for that love a complete family brings. Apparently, she was planning on becoming a script writer but she couldn't fulfil her dreams because cancer shaded itself on her. They've been trying to have children of their own again but unluckily Mrs Kendall has had countless miscarriages, even before Michelle was born. Now that they've found me, I guess they feel complete helping me achieve my dreams knowing fully well they couldn't help their daughter achieve hers, so this is an opportunity for them. Mama Joyce welcomed them with open arms and dinner, she also invited them for our dinner party tomorrow in honor of our convocation. I'm more than lucky to be surrounded by extremely nice people.

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