Chapter 12

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Present day

Today was Sam's special day. He had officially taken on the mantel of Captain America and there would be a great event in honor of him in New York. Sam had invited me to come and at first I had almost said no. I didn't like going to big events and I knew it would be packed with people way more important than I was. But I decided to push my anxiety aside and go to the event to show my support for him. This mission had been different from his other missions, it had changed Sam a lot and enabled him to step into the role of Captain America. It had also lead to Bucky and Sam becoming closer friends. Sam would talk about him more often now, mainly complaining about how Bucky was always so grumpy and serious but I knew he actually liked the former assassin.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and twirled around admiring the way my black dress moved softly around my body. I sighed. Earlier today the realization had hit me that Bucky would probably be at the event too and I hadn't been able to relax ever since. But I kept telling myself I was going to be fine. I would be able to do this and maybe Bucky wouldn't even be there. And even if he was there, I would be able to face him. I didn't really have a choice after all Sam and Bucky were friends now and we were bound to run into each other eventually.

A loud ringing ended my anxious thoughts and I looked around searching for my phone. Where did I put it again? I started running around in my tiny apartment trying to find it when I finally saw it lying on my bathroom floor. I had no idea how it had gotten there but at this point I was so used to losing my phone I didn't question the location I would end up finding it.

"Hello?" I said still slightly out of breath from running around my apartment.

"Hey, Alaska its Sam, I wanted to ask if everything was okay. You sure you don't want a ride to the event?"

"Oh no its fine I'll just take the subway"

"Hmm, okay but I'll make sure there is someone to take you back home. I don't want you running around at night all alone in New York" he said obviously unhappy about my decision to take the subway. I remembered the last time I decided to walk back home in the dark and automatically had to think of Bucky. I squeezed my eyes shut and quickly pushed away the memories of that night.

"Thanks Sam"

"No problem, see you soon"

"Yeah, see you"

Ending the call I grabbed my small black purse packing all my essentials and left my apartment, making my way to the party.

Finally arriving at the event I stepped into the already crowded hotel. I tried to calm my heartbeat looking around I couldn't see any familiar faces and my hands started to sweat. There were even more people than I had expected. The hall was decorated in white, blue and red making me slightly cringe at the patriotic colors. Waiters were walking around offering people small bites of expensive looking foods and glasses of sparkling wine. Everyone was dressed so fancy making me slowly lose confidence.

I felt extremely out of place with my simple black dress.

My eyes scanned the room when I saw Sam's face in the crowd. My shoulders relaxed relieved to see someone I actually knew. Sam came to hug me and we talked a little bit before he started introducing me to different people at the event. I was actually able to do some small talk and even though everyone was nice I quickly realized I just wasn't on the same level as most people here. A majority of them were agents or politicians and I simply didn't fit in. Sam being the guest of honor tonight had to leave me eventually and I was left alone again.

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