Chapter 7

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Art had always been an outlet for me. I loved how I could spent hours sketching, getting lost into a world I created. Time would pass without me even noticing it. I had been sketching a lot lately to distract myself from everything else that was going on.

Feeling creative and inspired I decided it would be good to try out some new mediums. I mainly stuck to sketching and painting and sometimes I would do small arts and crafts projects but I was ready for something completely new and out of my comfort zone. I had watched a few videos about wood carving and decided to try it out. I researched what wood was best for beginners and visited my local art store for all the necessary tools.

When I had everything together I brainstormed about what it was that I wanted to carve. I saw a few really cute ideas on google and came across the image of a carved duck. It might be a little ambitious but I would try it.

I was sitting on a blanket on the porch with the wood and the carving tools spread before me. I opened a YouTube tutorial on my phone, took the wood and the tools and started carving. It was harder than I had thought and my forearm started burning after a few minutes and I let out a frustrated huff. I had hoped this would be a little more fun but now that I had started I had to at least finish it. I heard heavy footsteps approach the porch and my heart sped up. I knew whose footsteps it were. Distracted I had put a little too much pressure on the wood and carved to deep. Losing control over the tool it slipped on the wood and cut right into my hand. I dropped everything in shock as blood started pouring out of the wound and pain shot through my hand.

"Shit" I groaned tears blurring my vision and I heard Bucky rushing over to me. The blood kept running down my arm and I could see that the cut was pretty deep. It hurt like bitch. "You need to put pressure on it" Bucky said crouching down next to me reaching for my hand. I moved out of reach not wanting him to touch me "I got it" I hissed and quickly stood up. I needed to get a towel to stop my hand from bleeding.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asked stopping me

"Getting something to put on my wound and put pressure on it like you said"

"I will get it. You go to the car, we need to get you to the hospital" before I could answer he was already inside the house. Although I was annoyed at being told what to do I listened to him and went to the car that was standing in the driveway. But I didn't get in yet not wanting to get blood all over Sam's car. Bucky came out of the house and quickly walked towards me.

"Give me your hand"

"No I can do it myself"

"Alaska just give me your hand" he said looking at me sternly and I reluctantly gave him my hand. He wrapped the towel around my hand tightly. I pressed my lips together but I couldn't stop myself from letting out a groan.

"Sorry" Bucky said gently looking back at me. He opened the car door for me and I got in holding my hand pressed to my chest. I didn't know if it really did anything to ease the pain but I did it anyways.

During the drive my eyes kept wandering over to Bucky. It had been days since we had been this close and the whole car smelled like him. I knew he knew I was watching him but he didn't say anything and kept his eyes fixated on the road. His hair was falling down to his shoulders in messy waves and there were dark circles under his eyes. He wore an old washed out long sleeved red shirt. The sleeves were rolled up revealing his strong forearm and showing his black metal arm. I liked this shirt. There wasn't anything special about it but whenever Bucky wore it was even harder to keep myself from staring at him. I sighed and looked out of the window instead.

We arrived at the hospital and I basically jumped out of the car. I wouldn't have survived another second sitting so close to him. Suddenly my legs felt wobbly and I stumbled but Bucky was there in an instant and caught me against his chest.

"Easy there. I think you lost more blood than you think"

I pushed away from him. I didn't want the feeling of his arms around me it brought up memories that I was trying hard to forget. I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes before looking away from him again. I took a steadying breath and walked towards the hospital leaving Bucky behind me.

Inside I found a nurse who took me to secluded room where I waited until a doctor came to stitch me up. They said I shouldn't use my hand for the next couple of days so it could heal properly. I still felt dizzy and nauseous but apparently that was normal and would pass soon. I just needed to rest.

When I got out Bucky was standing at the entrance waiting for me. He looked at me then at my bandaged hand. "Are you okay?" The worry in his voice made a warm feeling spread in my chest and I cursed my body for reacting this way around him. I gave him a small nod and we got outside to where he had parked the car. I almost fell asleep on our way home but managed to keep my eyes open. Bucky would send me worried glances every now and then but I just ignored him.

When we arrived back at the house I got out of the car and started walking up to the house. I must have got out of the car too fast again because I started feeling dizzy. My legs felt shaky and I staggered. Bucky was at my side keeping me up with a hand around my waist. I tried to get away from him again but he only held on tighter.

"Stop and just let me help you" he grumbled. Too tired to argue I just let him. As we stood on the porch I looked at the mess I had left. The blanket I had used had splotches of blood on it and all my tools and wood were scattered around, a few of them tainted red as well.

"Let me clean it up real quickly" I said trying to remove his arm from my waist. "And let you cut yourself again? No I'll clean it up." Bucky stated and moved me inside the house and walking me into the living room. I let myself fall onto the couch and lay down. I looked up at Bucky who was already looking at me. And even though I wanted to be angry with him I still felt grateful for his help.

After a few moments Bucky turned and left. I heard the front door and assumed he was probably cleaning up my mess. I was just about to pull a blanket over me when I noticed I still wore my bloody shirt. I really wanted to take a shower but I felt sleepy and exhausted. And there was no way Bucky would let me take a shower since he couldn't even let me walk by myself. Or maybe he would try to help me take a shower. For a second I considered that option...I mean I wouldn't mind taking a shower with the super-soldier.

Okay obviously painkillers and blood loss weren't a good combo for me.

When I was sure Bucky was still busy outside I took my shirt off and tightly wrapped the blanket around my body being careful not to use my injured hand. The moment I was comfortable on the couch I passed out. 

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