Make me.

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Finally, after a whole thirty minutes passed after having the old discipline teacher just continue saying the same phrase on and on again. My ears are now sore, hearing him talking about it. The clouds are now dark. There is no sight of the sun.

The first time I stepped into the school, I have already heard about Li's rumors. No one dared to go against him. He was always out of my sight and never seemed to cross paths with me till that day. Sure, getting beat up was one of my very own hobbies. Yet again, I am nowhere near my goal.

Using him.

Sure, he kissed me. Slept in the same bed. Using his bathroom and bedroom. Probably the first person to ever be close to him. She Li, himself lead me into his messed up life.

I guess...
I just want him to feel that I need him.  I may get myself killed, even if it would make my cousin has his own life again. It would be nice seeing the family together again. By 'family', I meant, Mo Guan Shan's.

It is also nice seeing She Li, not getting all worked up with Mo but to me...

Speak of the devil. She Li walked out of the pillar that seem to have blocked my view from him. I stopped in my track, giving him time to slowly stroll his way. He must have bad back pain from his posture. "Oi." His head was flipped up, carrying his bag with one shoulder. I stood there blankly as my energy has been drained out from detention. Entertaining him would waste my remaining energy. I did not even take my medicines yet. I want to sleep and sleep, not caring about anyone and maybe just live in a dream where it would not affect anyone but entertain me without wasting energy.

"Oi, are you listening to me?" He lowered his head to match his eyes with mine. He placed his hand on my head, irritating me. I moved my head and walk past him. I probably should listen to others' advice on avoiding him. He seemed stunned by my action and walked behind me.

"Oi, oi, oi." Ah, this man is going to be the death of me. I should have drowned myself in those medicines months ago to avoid him. Yet again it is nice to have this attention. If I ignore him for a while and come back to him, it would leave him wanting me more and more. Hopefully, it could coax him into helping with Uncle's case.

As I ignored him, he soon became quiet. I could hear his footstep, it was like a raindrop's sound as he walks sloppily. My eyes are heavy. I could see the gate was going to close and only a few students leaving school from their club's activities. From behind me, She Li's footsteps were now mixed with other's people footsteps. It could not be his member's footsteps as they were in high-pitched chatter. He would not dare to beat up junior girls or disturb them, I find it quite cute and soft of him as he does not seem to be interested to make a fuss of it and walking in silence. 

I use it as a chance to separate from him and walk out of the gate. 

Relieved as I was out of his sight, my shoulders were now light as feathers. I cracked my neck as it felt tense. I should go home-

My back stung as  I slammed into a pillar. I looked up to see She Li's eyes looking down at me. He was not alone but with a Wei Jie. 

"Hello Wei Jie, what are you doing here?" Ignoring She Li. Wei Jie did not dare to speak with She Li around.

"Don't ignore me." His voice is deep and full of wrath. I stared at his eyes that were wide and full of rage, blankly. I tilt my head, provocating him, and smiled weakly. 

"I'm tired if you want a second round, it might as well be the end of me." Hearing my words seem to have worried him.

"What are you? Dying?" Concerned voice. Should I fall for that?

"Maybe. Ah!" I tilt my head to another side and looked down. I want him to carry me.

"What's wrong?" He is panicking, cute.

"My leg hurts from having to stand up during classes just because I missed lessons. Gosh, so cruel. The principal just had to talk with me, including my teacher screaming at me and the discipline master. Ow." I pouted my lips and looked up at him. 

"Then what do you want me to do?" 

"Carry me," I whined.

"Make me." He realized my intentions. Wei Jie seemed uncomfortable.

"Make you? I do like to see you try." Taunting him.

He gave up, slamming his bag onto Wei Jie, making him carry his bag, and turned his back towards me, bending down. I climbed on his back.

"Aw, I wonder if you have done this to your ex," I asked, using his shoulder to rest my head. My eyes are getting heavy and his shoulder is broad, a good place to nest my head. His breath is full of an addictive cigarette smell.

"Huh?" He walked.

"Gosh, I should have just bumped into a hot black-haired male with a whole rich dilf of a brother," I whined.

"Oi, I will drop you." She Li threated.

"Talk about manners, he probably has manners. He smelled so dewy!" I grinned weakly and shot my head up as he seemed to be jealous and irritated. He did not respond to my talk but his reaction pleased me.

"Oh to be someone special to someone," I slowly rested my head back on his shoulder. I hope he gets my meaning. His face dropped and seemed hurt even though it was his dull expression. 

I forgot about Wei Jie, he was on his phone with his headphone on. Carrying She Li's bag in front of his chest.

I gazed at She Li, hurt by his sorrow. I was only playing around. I don't want that look.

I am still amazed at how She Li was unbothered to be carrying a man on his back in a public place. It was even crowded with people. We reached a traffic light. I pretend to sleep, I do not want to embarrass him, he would hate that. 

I pecked his neck, feeling him tense up from it. I smiled at his stunned expression and quickly close my eyes. As he walked on the traffic, I relaxed on his back. Hearing sounds of engine cars, people chattering and their footsteps along with She Li's soft breathing. I drifted off to sleep.

I wonder if She Li wants to take me home, I do not think that Wei Jie knows where my house is. I do not even know where She Li would take me to. I just hope that I could see him again as soon as I open my eyes. 

I was not fully awake. I could hear She Li tapping on his phone and hear his faint voice calling someone and talking to Wei Jie. Wei Jie left, sorry dear friend. I then fell asleep shortly. I was woken up yet still tired, my vision was hazy. I could feel being put down onto a backseat of a car. She Li held my head with his palm and moved me further inside as another man took his bag .

I like this moment. She Li being careful of me, slowly seated himself and placed my head on his shoulder. My neck shirt so I whined and drop my head on his lap, curling my body. She Li tensed up but soon tried to relax, petting my head. Am I falling for him or does is he falling for me?

Love should be balanced, I did not believe love is true. All my relationships were one-sided, where I only played. However, could two people find gentle love when all their life was either beating up another or being beaten up. I wish to prove that but I really should not have these sorts of feelings for anyone, especially She Li. 

I will hurt him and leave him, even if I do not want to hurt him nor leave him. Besides, I should hate him for what he has done. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

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