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She Li was quiet throughout the walk. He walks in front of me stomping like a child. Soon we reach the gate. The security guard avoided She Li by looking down and returning to his post instead of greeting like he usually does.

I straight up when to class.
"[Y/n]! I called you yesterday, why didn't you answer." My girlfriend pouted. She just wants to show to others how she would treat them if she do be their's.

"My phone's battery was dead. I forgot to charge it." I monotonously replied.
"Well next time charge it." She skips to her seat. Many that were looking at us starts to whisper at one another. I know what they are whispering about. "such a bad boyfriend" "he don't deserve her" and whatever not.

I just copied whatever the teacher said and shown without properly understanding it. They never seem to call me out anyways. It is nice.

Soon it was launch time.
"[M/n]! I heard you when to She Li's" Mo came up to me. Cousin Mo.
"Yea I did but don't worry he just wanted to repay back for the errands."

"Don'. Just stay away from him. That wound..." Mo touches the bandage.
"You know me, still careless as ever."
Mo let me off.

Cousin Mo's family has helped me a lot. However due to his father's sudden bankruptcy, my family did not give my me pocket money in order to "save" money. Besides, She Li can get someone to discharge Uncle. I have to get closer to him in order to repay them back.

"Oi [M/n] follow me-" One of She Li's member.
"[M/n]~ Let's eat together." She came back. Honestly, I am starting to forget her name. I decide to ignore the member and have my 'girlfriend' linking arms with me to go to the canteen.

"Hey. Babe, how was school? We have not talk much and I am worried about you." Everyday, she would take me out to sit with her friend group and talks about stuff couples suppose to do in private out loud.
"School has been fine." I did not eat again. My pay still have not come. Let's just home I can go home and take my left-over pain killers

"Babe can you follow me, I want to talk to you privately." She drags me by the school garden. Has the time finally come! Has she finally given up after two whole months!

"I want to break up. Not once you texted first. Not once you came to check up in me. We have not even kiss or hug. You would only hold hands with me when I ask. Your face is the worse. So plain and monotonous. I hate you." She slaps me. Each sentence she spoke left her crying. Oh well at least I did not fake it. She ran out crying.

"Hahahahah." She Li laughs monotonously.
"Aw you finally got dump. I thought you both would last longer than that."
He crosses his arms as his back slouch normally. I look around to see whether his gang are nearby.

"I don't really like or love her. She was just there. Now what is up with your sticky hair. Cola?" His hair was damped with a sticky brown substance.
"Non of your business."He smacked my hand away.
"What is wrong honey? I have already broken up with her like you want to." She Li stopped at his tracks.
"Shut up." He continue to go to a hose and wash up.

"He tian, what is his relationship with Mo Guan Shan." He says as soon as he was done. Hating it though.
"I don't know, he treats him well. Cares well. Don't manipulate him. I really don't know but he seems like a great guy." Smiling since his fave turned to annoyed.

"Awww he treats big Mo so well. I hope he treats me well too." I whispered into his ear. His.amger errupts as he lauches at me. I dodged his punches and twisted his arm.

"You have to treat me well too~" I smiled seeing his hopeless state as he growled at me. Giving an attitude.
"His brother is hot, his bodyguard is hot and is wealthy like super-wealthy. I think you have lost. Give up." My grip on him tightens. Feeling him relaxed, I let go of him.

"Don't give me an attitude now. I will break up with my another girlfriend if you stop."
Walking away from the scene.
"You what?!" His head looks up staring at me.
"I act as people's boyfriends it is a gig. Besides, I need more money. So I should probably go to the old pervert, right?" It is amusing to see his lazy eyes change so intensely. 

"Stop working and work for me."
He stood up slowly.
"Nah, you are a very bad person. I should not get involve." I shrug and left him for my other class.

The girl was crying, surrounded by her friend. They glared at me as I steeped into the class. I shrug it off. She must have victimises herself again. Gosh, I want to snap someone's neck or get beat up again.

I sat at my seat and did the same thing again.

Soon school was finished.
"Yo, cousin to Mo. Did you make a girl cry again?" Jian Yi came up to me as soon as I finish packing.
"Don't be busybody." His boyfriend, Zheng Xi dragged him away as he pouted and wave at me.

"So you are Mo's cousin. Hah! Boss would be so happy to hear that."
The henchman starts running. I chased after him and soon was punching him to the ground at an excluded place. Then he turned to top me, and starts punching me at my arm as it covered my face. It felt nice to finally give up.

Soon the weight was lifted off of me. She Li kicked him off.
"My uniform is all dirty now."
He stares at me.
"Boss! He is-" "Shut Up. You are no longer part of the gang." He signals four members to drag the guy away.
I felt guilty.

"Now, my uniform is all dirtied."
He took a hose and washed me. I am too tired to fight him so I just sit up.
I can only look at him. My joints are hurting again. I do not think I can get up. My muscles are sore.

"Oi, get up." He kicked my thigh lightly. Nudging my head and waiting for me to response. I get up from the ground and took my bag that was thrown off somewhere during the fight. I'm tired, if only I could sleep but my clothes is wet.

"oi." She Li was repeatedly saying to get my attention. I just ignore him, I have no energy left for him.

Soon my mom texted me.
"Come home. Your dad is away from the mean time." The text says.
"ok," I replied.
"Oi!" She Li grabs my phone but I manage to snatch it back.
"I will return your uniform tomorrow.  Bye for now." I lightly push him away.
I really need the pain killers. I will just finish the commission tomorrow.

As I was slowly walking, my knees were giving out. My arms were bruised, but I manage to cover it up with the hoodie.
"You Fuxking bastard!" The previous guy came back. I really have no energy left. I wait till he was done kicking and punching me. Leaving me alone in the alley way.

I think I am blacking out soon. Tomorrow does not have school as it was the weekend. If I get kidnapped, it will be a good excuse to not return home. Might as well sleep now. Just before I doze off, I felt myself being carried by a familiar scent.

She Li x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now