Chapter 3: Sharp Encounter

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You woke up and upon opening your eyes you silently freaked out before remembering all of yesterday. You got up and saw that the note on the table was replaced with a new one that told you to meet them out of the room. The handwriting was decent and there was no signature. You followed the directions of the paper and you found Reimu.

Reimu: "Hey Y/n. Finally up?"

You: "Haha yeah."

You kinda stood there not really sure what to do. Reimu looked to be thinking, and it was oddly quiet. You were nearly tired of waiting when you were startled by...

Reimu: "Oh, right! Would you like a cup of tea?"

You: "Uh... sure?"

Reimu then left to go make some tea because apparently she just remembered that you have to make tea to make tea. You sat down on the floor and started scrolling through memes on your phone. You got a notification from discord and somebody sent you an image of a plushie, you instantly recognized the plushie as Reimu. You got an idea, really just to show off to your friend.

You: "Hey Reimu!"

Reimu: "What?"

You: "Selfie!"

Before Reimu could even react you took a selfie to prove that Reimu was there and you sent it to your friend.

Reimu: "What the actual hell just happened"

You: "Nothin"

Your friend sent you a message that just said that the picture was photoshopped.

You: *Under your breath* "Believe what you believe..."

You sent your friend that message and turned off your phone.

Reimu: "Really, what just happened?"

You: "Oh, it's nothing."

Reimu: "Well, the tea is done."

Reimu poured some tea and you guys sat down.

You: "Well, how could I get home without like a ton of effort."

Reimu: "I mean, you could fall into the ground again haha."

You: "I'm assuming that means you don't know a proper easy way?"

Reimu: "I guess."

You: "Well if there's no way out then I'm exploring."

Reimu: "Try not to die, but I'm not helping you."

You left the shrine and went adventuring, you didn't exactly know where to go but you always looked at the map you had and soon realized that the map was only partially drawn out but it worked well enough. After walking a long time you came across a mansion and a lake. The lake was called "Misty Lake'' according to your map which made sense because it was very misty. The mansion was called the "Scarlet Devil Mansion'' which gave you an uneasy feeling from the name alone. You were investigating the lake and the mansion, but from a distance. You were pacing at this point when you felt like the world around you started glowing, you got a headache that felt like your brain was being pulverized, and after all of that, you passed out.

You looked around and saw the same cube that seemed to be following you, you grabbed it and the words "concentrate" could be heard faintly. You woke up exactly where you were before, you followed the instructions. Concentrating, you focused on a rock over the lake and just as you did that you shot a cube looking object at the rock over the lake.

You: "Well.... that was unexpected for sure."

You wondered what kind of powers that cube had, or if you were really going crazy now. You didn't feel any different and you thought you could put this experience in the past for now. To try and take your mind off of everything you decided to go to the mansion with the ominous name... afterall, what do you have to lose at this point?

Only your life.... right?

Your own thoughts gave you chills, but you knew it was true. You walked to the front of the mansion to see a person. They looked as if they were a guard, but they were sleeping and you weren't sure. You had no thoughts of waking them up and so you opened the gate.


You quickly turned back after opening the gate to see the guard person still sleeping. A little less worried now, but still very worried, you walked to the mansion. Once at the doors, you stared at them wondering if you could ever go back if you even touched them and your thoughts were all over the place about what could be inside the mansion. Fear was strong, but you felt like you had the strength to ignore it completely now. After a good minute of thinking, you opened the door to the mansion.

You felt worse as the door opened, you thought you could just get an excuse to leave, like the door is locked or similar, but instead the doors did open. You knew that there was no turning back by now, no matter what happens. You stepped into the mansion and looked around for something to do, someway to get home, or even just anything to help you.... you didn't see anything like that.

You stand there unknowing of what to do. Suddenly you hear the sound of a knife and you feel a strong urge to move from where you are, and you do. Just as you move a knife zooms past where you would have been.

???: "Impressive."

You: "What? Who are you?"

Sakuya: "Sakuya Izayoi."

You: "Okay, why did you just throw a literal knife at me?"

Sakuya: "You're trespassing."

You: "Oh."

You see Sakuya disappear and you get a bad feeling, so you start to leave, before, once again, a knife flies right behind you.

You: "Okay then, that's two knives now."

Sakuya: "Very impressive."

You: "Not sure how, but alright."

Sakuya: "Get out."

You: "Eh, I'll test my luck."

Sakuya: "Well, that's your choice."

You step to the side to see another knife fly right by you.

You: "That's 3 now."

Just after that you managed to shoot a cube at Sakuya, then you bolted it out of the mansion. You saw the guard was still asleep, and you went through the gate. After that, you decided that you had gone through enough today. You decided to risk your safety and went to a secluded area and slept on the ground.

(Well, I didn't expect for this chapter to take so long to make, but at least it's done now.)


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