Beat friends and more friends

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Y/n's POV
Hi I'm y/n,I'm 13 years old and I have a friend or more like best friend named Deliah. We've been best friends since I moved into this new town which was about nearly a year ago. Deliah's a year older than me so she's 14.

When we both became best friends we promised each other that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other but...I guess that I can't always keep promises because...well it's kinda hard to say but...Deliah isn't my only friend.

I met him about two years ago in an abandoned studio so I was probably about 12 or 11 and when I found him he was all...messed up and had ink on his face and when I first saw him I was kinda scared but he tried to make me not be afraid of him and that's when he told me his name...

... "Bendy".

I couldn't tell Deliah about this but I told Bendy about her and he was kinda worried about me and her.

Speaking of Bendy I haven't given the time to introduce him properly. Bendy is a human like demon he used to be a cartoon but he came to life and became instead of the cartoon he was he became a human version.

He has short but slightly long wavy black hair,he has black devil horns,he wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit with a black shirt over it and with some black pants of course.

He also like to give me some candy like lollipops and f/c (favourite candy). He even gives it to me when it's my bedtime to! And it's strange that my dad doesn't know about this either.

Also about my dad and mom passed away a few years ago before I met Bendy and he really fell into depression then but he still had me and he knows about Bendy to. When he first met him he didn't want me to have him around I I refused and so did Bendy and that went into a big argument between him and me which nearly made me runaway from home with Bendy but we didn't.

Sometimes I wanna tell Deliah about Bendy but then I don't...I don't know why but I guess it's just safe for him and for me.

Deliah's POV
I've known y/n for a while now and she knows everything about me like my life,my dad,Harry and all that stuff except for one thing...Springtrap. I know that if she finds out about him she'll flip out a get confused and scared and not wanna be friends with me anymore so I kept it a secret even though I told her to never keep secrets from me.

And I can't tell Springtrap about her otherwise he'll just flip out and go crazy and wanna hurt her or something so I didn't tell him but I did tell Harry and my dad about her and they wanna meet her,Harry already met her but I can't let my dad see her because she'll have to come to my house and Springtrap will see her and it will all just go down hill.

Sometimes when I'm talking to y/n about her other friends before she came to this town she always seems like there's something she's hiding from me but she just talks about having a few friends but then loosing them because they either moved away or just left her...I don't know if she just only has me as a friend...I feel like she's hiding something from me.

Oh hey there! It's been long I know it's been about....uh.....

*checks last time I posted*


Okay look guys I am so sorry for not making any stories or updating on anything it's just,I haven't been thinking about some stories lately but this one came to mind after I read one batimxchild reader story so if you want this or maybe a part 2 to my other story than please let my know,I'll try not to leave you guys hanging around anymore...

Anyway see you guys!

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