Love or host pt.2

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(Sorry if this isn't that accurate to the actual love or host, I don't really watch many love or hosts nor do I want to write more than 1000 words also I did cut this short cause I've ran out of ideas)

I picked..

"I'm sorry, Jschlatt. You have been kicked."

I have to admit I do feel bad. He didn't really get much of a chance.

I mean, it sucks to suck.

"Jschlatt chose host!" Austin screams in his loud voice

After a long paragraph of speaking, Jschlatt gets kicked and we move to the next round.

"Alright, for this round, what will your first date be with y/n?" Austin says.

Everyone goes down the list they were all pretty good options.

 Well now it's time to kick someone.

Gotta be honest I love Wilbur but I gotta kick someone out.

"Alright, y/n has made their decision.." Austin starts talking

"Y/n chose..Wilbur soot!"

"Wilbur chose..HOST!"

Now this is one I feel kinda pissed about

Austin starts talking over and over. 

*ring ring*

Uh oh. My mom is calling.

"Uhm, excuse me for a second." I say as I must my mic and walk away.

"Hello...?" I nervously say.

"Y/n. What are you doing on a dating show?" My mom angrily asks

"Well, I was invited.."

"And you accepted it? YOU FUCKING SKANK." My mom screams into the phone.


"HOE, SKANK, WHORE! DONT TALK TO ME SLUT." My mom says before hanging up on me.

I sniff.

Wait I'm crying. How am I gonna come back on the show crying?

Nah I'm good the camera quality is so bad they probably wouldn't tell.

I get a sip of water and go back on the show.

I go through the show. But not as happy as I was earlier.

It's as if a dumbbell was dropped on my mood. 

The show went on and on and on, I just want to go away.

Then it came to the final 2.

Minx and Karl 

There will be two "dates"

First one is with Karl 

(Date one~~~~~~

"So how have you been?" Karl asks

"I've been good."

Karl cracks a few jokes here and there and then the date ends.

(Date two ~~~~~~~

"How are you doing y/n?" Minx asks


"You gonna pick me?" Minx asks

"Most likely."

"Gosh, you are so pretty." Minx adds

"Ah, thank you. You are one of the most pretty woman I've seen."

Minx flirts and chats here or there. The date ends.

Who will I kick? Who will I pick?

"Y/n has picked a person to kick from love or host.." Austin starts announcing

"Y/n has picked..Minx!"

Karl's eye widen he probably didn't expect that. That was kinda the main reason I picked her.

"Karl chose..LOVE!" Austin announces

"Anddddd, Minx chose..LOVE also!"

Mhm I must be that hot. Well except to Alex and Wilbur but yeah I'm hot.

When the show was over minx and I followed each other on Twitter.

I feel like this won't end well.

(WOOOOO I FINALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER!!!!! Also sorry if you don't like minx, don't worry she doesn't have a big role in the story anyway.)

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