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"Pal! PAL!"

Pal woke up with a start, her black hair messed up all over her face. It was all vague and blurry to her, after about three hours of peaceful sleep. She slowly rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her black sweater, and clumsily looked around the comfy couch where she was sleeping. The Gryffindor common room was not much loud, and there weren't much students. She looked at the small table near the couch, where her books were littered all over, and sheets of parchment covered the table. Her black stylish quill was at the edge of the table, almost about to fall, and her ink bottle had fell down, splashing ink on the crimson carpet.

"We need to go, we're already five minutes late!" a girl said from somewhere near her, and looked around to see a girl with reddish-orange hair like a merciful fire glaring at her with displeasure.

"Wh- huh? Manya? What's the time?" Pal asked, stiffling a yawn.

"It's 8:05- oh, well, congratulations, it's 8:06 now! Just come on, we gotta go!" the girl named Manya said hurrily.

"Go where?" Pal asked as she lost control and yawned through her words.

"The meeting! It's today, remember?" Manya asked nervously. Pal stared at her blankly for a few seconds, wondering what she was talking about, as her sleepy brain tried to recollect what was to happen at 8:00. And then she suddenly widened her eyes and jumped out of the couch. "THE SKC MEETING? OH MY GOD, WAIT-" she said as she sprinted up the stairs to the girls' dormitory.


"So basically, it's a discussion between the SKC members and Dev supporters?" Pal asked, and Manya nodded as they entered the classroom where the meeting was being held.

The classroom was divided into two groups, with benches facing each other as if for a debate. There were 10 people on the SKC members' side, facing the Dev supporters with an enthusiastic look, eager for a discussion about kicking the 'Shadow' out of Hogwarts. Pal and Manya took a note of the others with them; Karthik, Sam, Dora and Sarina sat on one end of the bench of the SKC members. Pal sat in between Manya and another girl with a small face and brownish-black hair that flowed down to her shoulders smoothly. She had very observant eyes that scanned through everyone in the room continuously, as if trying to read their minds. She wore Ravenclaw robes that were neatly ironed and cleaned, and wore blue lip gloss that made her look more cute. She quickly glanced at Pal and smiled a little. "Hi... Pal, isn't it? I'm Isita," she said, extending her hand for a handshake. Pal smiled back and shook her hand. "Yes, it's Pal... Nice to meet you," she said cheerfully.

A girl with brown hair sat next to Isita, smiling warmly at everyone. "Hey, it's Saismeeta," Manya said to Pal and she nodded. Saismeeta was famous and known to almost everyone in Hogwarts, but the fact that she was absolutely sweet and kind to everyone just made her more likeable.Next to Saismeeta was a girl with short black hair that was a bit messy. She also had green eyes, and a very charming smile. She noticed Pal looking at her and smiled. "Heyya, it's Swaha! You're Pal, I suppose... I've seen you around quite a lot," the girl said, beaming. Pal smiled back and nodded, and greeted her too.

On the other end of the bench was Jack, staring at the floor and yawning, as if hoping the meeting would begin soon.

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