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"So, the cloaked guy came in using Floo powder?" Isabelle asked as she spread butter on her toast. The Great Hall was filled with students all ready for their classes, with a bag on their side. Everyone was eating their breakfast hastily, talking and whispering among each other.

"Mhm. Arnav saw someone's head at the Gryffindor fireplace and reported it to McGonagall yesterday. She called all the prefects and said to keep watch at the fireplaces during the night, so me and Avni are working night shifts now," Jack said, picking up a piece of bread and scooping up some jam with his knife. "She hasn't slept all night, she's resting right now; I have to ask Longbottom to excuse her for today." Isabelle nodded.

"So, it's just you watching the fireplaces? That's the entire security?" she asked, her eyebrow raised. Jack chuckled. "You think McGonagall will stop there? She's asked the Minister to keep track of the Floo networks to Hogwarts, and she's raised even more security in the borders of Hogwarts; a lotta protective spells and all. Hagrid offered to stay awake at night to keep watch. All heads of Houses and the Head Girl and Head Boy are staying guards at the border of the Forbidden Forest. There's no way the cloaked guy is gonna escape again if he comes."

Right at that moment, a large number of owls just came flying into the Great Hall and landed near many students. One owl, a very small and cute brown barn owl landed right next to Isabelle with a newspaper clutched tightly with its small talons. It hooted in a cute way and tilted its head sideways as if it was playful, and hopped around the table after dropping the newspaper.

Isabelle smiled, took five Knuts and dropped them into the small leather pouch tied to the owl. It hooted cheerfully and flew off.

Isabelle unrolled the Daily Prophet and read;


Today morning, precisely at 3:26 am, a mass-breakout from Azkaban has been confirmed by the Ministry of Magic and the Minister herself. The prisoners who escaped are extremely dangerous Death Eaters, Vedika and Amaira. The Minister urges the Wizarding community to stay safe and train themselves in protective and defensive spells. The breakout of these prisoners have been suspected to be assisted by previously escaped Death Eater and mass-murderer, Elizaveta. Following the breakout of three Death Eaters and a criminal Death Eater Theodore Nott at loose, the press raised a number of queries regarding the uprising of You-Know-Who, a dark wizard considered dead for years. 'Lord Voldemort is dead, and it will remain that way. The breakout of these Death Eaters is a mere coincidence, and it has nothing to do with the Dark Lord. And as for Theodore Nott and the other Death Eaters, the best Aurors of the Ministry have been appointed to find them. There is no need for any worries regarding the uprising of Lord Voldemort, I can assure you from the Ministry's side,' says Hermione Jean Granger, Minister of Magic.

'As the Minister said, there is no need for any worries about him coming back. Voldemort is dead, and there are multiple witnesses for his death. True, he had returned once, but this time his return is impossible,' says The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, when approached about the doubt of You-Know-Who's return..."

Jack stared at Isabelle and the newspaper with wide eyes. "Two other breakouts? Well, I don't care what Harry Potter says, four Death Eaters at loose means You-Know-Who's returning," he said, still glaring at the newspaper as if his stare can change the news in it. Isabelle rolled up the newspaper and hit him on the head with it.

"Shut it! You-Know-Who's dead, and if Harry Potter says that, it must be true... He was the one who killed him! Twice!"

"EXACTLY! How can someone die twice?! If he could return two times, he can do it once more," Jack said, his eyes wide open.

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