chapter 1: A Galaxy far far away

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Mardus woke up. He was very confused, he tried to remember what happened. He was training in warehouse with his instructor, when suddenly the whole warehouse started shaking violently.

Huge ball of energy appeared in front of Mardus and started to suck Mardus into it.
His training master came to help him, but a beam of light shot right into his face penetrating Mardus' instructor's head leaving a hole in it.

Mardus: "Noooooooo" he screamed as his eyes were blinded by extremely bright light. He felt as if his body was being crushed, until it was released and he fell into dirt, falling unconscious.

Right now he was awake on a soft bed, when suddenly two aliens entered the room. Mardus immediately got terrified as he had never seen such creatures before.

There were two creatures, one blue one green, seemingly green one male and blue one female. But instead of hair they had long... things which seemed like... tails?

Mardus: "What the hell are you?" he asked afraid and confused,"Where am i?"

???: "Ummm, my name is Ida Secura... and his name is Scedo Secura, you are on Ryloth....."

Mardus: "What the hell is Ryloth?" He asked as he began to calm down, getting a feeling that they didn't mean any harm to the boy.

Ida: " Umm... Ryloth is a planet" she said as she looked into his husband's eyes confusedly.

Mardus couldn't help, but calm down to the calming voice of the blue alien. They conversated for long. The couple answered every question Mardus asked.
They all came to a conclusion that Mardus was perhaps from a different galaxy.

As months passed, Mardus soon learned about the life in this Galaxy and the clone war currently going on. He also learned about different species, he found out that Ida and Scedo were twi'leks, they told Mardus everything they knew. Mardus also told them, what he knew about the Galaxy far, far away.

Soon Mardus also about learned that the male twi'lek was once a Jedi, but was cast out when the Jedi found out that he had disobeyed the rules of Jedi and secretly married Ida.

Mardus:"Wait... that's unfair, what do you mean: Can't form attachments? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard"

Scedo agreed with him. But Scedo felt that Mardus also had a strong connection with the force. He started teaching him the ways of the force. Mardus was fascinated of the force and Scedo's green lightsaber.

After a year went pass, Mardus was was as powerful as Scedo due to the fact that he was very quick learner and had already trained combat for almost 5 years. Scedo had explained that Mardus was too old to be accepted to become a jedi, but still Mardus wanted to at least try to get in.

The twi'leks showed Mardus different planets in the Galaxy. But on one day when they were back on Ryloth, the war was brought there. Separatists took control of the village. Mardus left his caretakers behind as he was eager to go and fight battle droids.

He ran across the streets, slicing battle droids. He felt that he was awesome when the droids called him Jedi, but suddenly he felt pain inside, he immediately knew what it was, he ran back to the place he called home, but saw no one there.

He rushed back onto the streets as fear started to grow inside him. Then he found the people he was looking for, they were lying on the city's muddy street, seemingly caught up in cross-fire, Scedo was long gone, but Ida was still alive. Mardus cried as Ida died in his arms. They were the only ones ever close to Mardus.

Sadness was soon replaced with anger. When he sensed two clones approaching him from behind.

Clone 1: "Hand's in the air, where i can see them"

That sentence made Mardus even more furious as he ignited the green lightsaber, quickly turned around and sliced the head of the clone behind him, the other clone quickly started shooting at Mardus, but Mardus blocked the blasts with the emerald lightsaber and used the force to throw the gun out of the clones hands.

Clone 2: "sto... Ughhh... gh... hga" he muttered, as he began to rise off from the ground, unable to breathe. Mardus held his hand up, force-choking the clone as rage burned in his body. Soon the clone went limp and Mardus let him drop to the ground, then he went back to the twi'leks and swore to avenge them.

[So, you reached the end of the first chapter, please let me know what you think about it]

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