29: Returning Home

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Kakashi fumbled, slightly flustered, and explained, "My student, Naruto. He's an Uzumaki too, and your cousin. I think he has potential. You should impart some of your skills to him, as a junior if nothing else."

Naruto was truly gobsmacked by Kakashi's sudden proposal.

He was ruffled by Kakashi's kindness -- the man was always so distant, only teaching Sasuke who was the last loyal Uchiha after the task was assigned to him by the Konoha Council. He respected the man, of course, and it was not like Kakashi did not care for him, at least, knowing who Naruto's father had been. However, Naruto would not defend the man -- it was true that he neglected the two other genins under his care. One could argue that Kakashi really did not have anything to teach them, what with him being known for his Sharingan and them being non-Uchiha, but it was undeniable that the man did not even put in any effort. His greatest teaching was just a quote left to him by his former teammate.

"Those who break the rules are scum, but those who betray their friends are worse than scum."

Then again, that was a moral lesson. If not for that having such a great impact on their lives, Kakashi only ever taught them the tree-climbing exercise. That certainly could not be considered anything special -- it was a common form of chakra-control practice that all other shinobi would learn at some point. If that was all he did for them, Naruto really would not have considered the jōnin his teacher at all.

It was his life lessons that solidified Hatake Kakashi's position in the young Naruto's mind, not that the man ever knew this in that timeline.

As such, Naruto could not react immediately when such thoughtful words came from his sensei's mouth without prompting.

When he finally processed the fact that it was Hatake Kakashi who was belatedly showing concern for Uzumaki Naruto, the blond could not help but snort at the irony of it all.

This situation was truly one-of-a-kind.

Where else could he find a person who asks a clone to teach its creator a technique?

He was touched that Kakashi was thinking about him at all, but he found the circumstances to be more humorous than it was moving.

Naruto muffled a snort of amusement, while Sōjirō looked at him helplessly with a silent plea for help.

Unfortunately, Naruto did not notice.

"You want me to teach Naruto my way of the sword?" Sōjirō reiterated to buy time, still trying to non-verbally signal to his Master for support.

"Are you unwilling? I can vouch for his ability. I promise it would not be a waste of time for you to teach him swordsmanship," Kakashi assured, pleading in his eyes.

Sōjirō, torn, muttered under his breath, "It's not that I don't want to. I'm just the last individual who would be qualified to teach that personage anything."

"Please? My cute little kōhai?" Kakashi openly begged now, grabbing Sōjirō's hands and looking very pitiful.

"Naruto doesn't need someone to teach him," Gaara and Sōjirō refuted in unison.

Simultaneously, Kankuro scoffed, "Shishō doesn't need a kenjutsu teacher."

Sakura and Sasuke were confused -- since when did everyone think so highly of their blond friend? Naruto had yet to demonstrate his true skill. Even so, they could only nod along to the remarks made by the others.

It was true, after all.

Naruto finally managed to get his laughter under control and reassured Kakashi with a poker face on, "Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei. I'm not interested in learning kenjutsu. You don't have to get upset with Sōjirō-taichō."

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