Chapter 1: I Hate Everything About You

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Ticci Toby was put in a mental hospital.


Jeff The Killer was put in the same mental hospital.

When the police in Montreál, Canada found Tobias Rogers in the forest after murdering some people that bullied him, the boy claimed that the "Slender Man" made him do it. The police found out that Tobias is suffering with schizophrenia and a disability - Tourette's Syndrome. They also found out that his dad was always getting drunk and abusive and his sister died in a car crash. They assumed that all this was too much for the 17 years old boy and because of his schizophrenia he thinks that he got forced by the legendary Slender Man, who's nothing but an Urban Legend. The court felt bad for the boy, but of course they couldn't let him free, so they decided to send him to a mental hospital in the US, New Jersey. It was a locked one and it's for special cases, so patients can stay there for years if necessary. Tobias shall learn to deal with his schizophrenia and also his social anxiety that he started to have after his sister died, because from then on he only left his room when needing to use the bathroom. He also shall get out all the hate he's got inside because of his father, so he would stop murdering people.

Jeffrey Woods was caught by the Los Angeles police near a house in which the Nestor twins, Olivia and Ethan, were living with their parents. He had, what he thought would be, good reasons to murder them. The twins are 16, so they both were in the same class as Jeff's four years older brother Liu and Ethan is an emo and a My Chemical Romance fan just like Jeff. He also looked sort of like their guitarist, Frank Iero, and Ethan's last name is also the exact same as Frank's wife, Jamia's, last name. They always called each other 'Frank' and 'Gerard' and did some kind of roleplay in which they are the two band members and pretended to be in a relationship. Meanwhile Liu was best friends with Ethan's twin sister, Olivia, and Jane Richardson, who he both knows since diapers.

Jeff always felt like he's different, because he was only a fanboy of male singers and since nursery school he always had the urge to spit girls into their face while he felt really comfortable being around guys. He also annoyed and insulted those girls all the time, from nursery school to fourth grade, then he realized that those bitches aren't worth his attention. The teachers kept on telling his parents that he's probably doing that because he's in love with them and Margaret and Peter actually found that cute, but little did they know that this definitely wasn't the reason.

In fifth grade he went to middle school close to the high school Liu, Ethan, Olivia, Jane and a bully named Randy, who was in the same grade as Liu and the twins, went to. Jane was one grade above them. When Jeffrey was 12 years old he really wanted to find out more about who and what he is and since he always felt a strong connection between him and Ethan, who was 15 years old at that time, he asked him to get together and Ethan agreed, not because he loved him, but because he wanted Jeff to find out who he's into.

At the same time Liu was together with Olivia, which was probably the worst mistake of his life. Liu is victorian gothic and Olivia is vampire gothic, so they thought it would be a great match. It definitely wasn't.

That's why Jeff wanted to kill her. Olivia treated Liu like a piece of garbage, she gossiped about him in school, made fun of his disorders (He's got bulimia, a dissociative identity disorder, also known as split personality, and maniac depression. Just like a hearing impairment on his right ear), insulted him, caused him to cut himself even more than he already did and even caused him to try to kill himself a couple of times. Liu wanted to die since he was a child and his self harm started when he was 8 years old and supposed to help his mom with dinner. Margaret told him to cut vegetables and Liu had an unexplainable urge to cut his hand, so when his mom wasn't looking, Liu put the knife on the bottom of his hand and moved it across it causing him to bleed a lot since it was a deep cut. Karen- I mean Margaret actually bought that it was an accident, because she didn't want a mentally ill child. Little did she know that both of her children were mentally ill, but Jeffrey only had ADHD, which Margaret claimed as dreamy and lazy, so she only saw Liu as a 'mistake'.

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