"Derek- You're going to kill these kids!" Stiles exclaimed. "Why can't you just listen to Percy!"

"Because Allison will be his downfall!" Derek snarled. "Just like your trust in your brother will be yours!" Derek went to advance on Stiles, Scott tried to stop him but Derek kicked the beta in the face before advancing on Stiles.

Holding his ground Stiles clutched his sword tight. Peters words echoed through him, and he feared the dead alpha may be right. He would never be Percy, he wasn't ready yet.

As those thoughts left his mind a gust of wind flung through the ice rink and the ice started to shoot out from the ground around Derek.

"No this isn't you! It's him!" Derek stammered as he stepped backwards before the ice started to shift around him before latching on to him. Holding his wrist back and a dagger peace of ice nearing his neck. "It's him! How Percy?! YOURE NOT EVEN HERE!"

"I'm everywhere!" Percys voice echoed through the ice rink before a mist version of him appeared in front of Derek, his sword Riptide drawn. "And you are going to get yourself killed along with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd! If you don't listen to me!"

"Percy!" Derek exclaimed before the ice started to dig into his neck causing the alpha to silence.

"It's time you realized Derek. You're not the Alpha. I am. You don't make the rules, I do! I chose you because the Hale spark belonged to you not because I wanted you to do what you pleased! Your self doubts you had before you took Peters life, that's what you've become. You step out of line one more time, I'll kill you and let Scott take your place."

"I'm sorry!" Derek exclaimed fear evident in his eyes.

"You should be. I'll meet your betas tonight, and you better have a plan Derek. Because we're not your enemy. The Kanima is."


Allison sat alone staring over the rock her and Percy would sit at. It looked over beacon hill, and it was a place he would come alone to a lot, at leas that's what he told her. She found it nice that he had allowed her to share the spot with him. He would tell her stories of what he had been through, or they would simply sit together and talk about what they thought life would bring.

She knew he was gone for a few days, and she knew it was dangerous. Allison in her heart was scared she had fallen for someone who had a death wish, the last full moon almost proving that point to her. She missed not knowing about the supernatural, she wished she handnt been so curious. Things seemed simpler then, things seemed simpler before she told him she loved him.

"Allie?" A voice called out causing Allison to snap her head backwards to see Percy leaning against a tree, with his perfect little smirk attached to his face.

"Hi," She responded with a simple wave and a smile.  Percy seemed to gleem with her response as he walked forwards and sat down next to her.

"Your dimples are cute," he remarked as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You tell me that every time I smile," She remarked as she laid her head on his chest.

"Sorry that you're gorgeous," Percy stated. "Can't stop the compliments."

"I never said I didn't enjoy itttt."
Percy let out a chuckle before giving Allison a right squeeze before he lightly lifted her chin up making there eyes meet.

"Just so you know Allie, I love you too," Percy said with a nervous smile. "You're smile, your dimples, your personality pretty much flawless.... but you I love who you are.  You make me feel... safe, I don't know how to describe it but you make any situation better, and you make me want to be better for you."

"Do you really mean that?" Allison asked as her lips curved upwards instantly, her eyes shining with the night sky.

"You mean the world to me," Percy said softly.

She leaned up and kissed him, passionately, and it felt different then anytime before. It felt real, as if they were finally on the same page for the first time. No more secrets, not more holding back. Just the two of them together.

"You're full of surprised Percy Jackson," Allison remarked breathlessly after they separated. Percy didn't respond as he gave her another kiss before holding her close. They sat in silence for awhile
Before the son of Poseidon spoke up.

"Is it to early to tell you to run away and live with me?"

"Maybe a week to soon," Allison joked back as she held him close. "Soon, this will be all over."

Percy didn't speak his mind as he kissed her forehead before looking up at the night sky with a single thought running through his head.

Soon I'll be dead.

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