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Sorry for taking so long to update.  Enjoy

"Alright" Tyler says, "This is why I hate my birth-" Tyler's phone begins to ring. "It's my asshole manager, one second" Tyler says walking out of the room while answering her phone. "What, you can't do that" Tyler says loudly and angrily from the other room. Destiny. Lauren, and Alister look at each other. Several minutes later Tyler walks back into the room. "This is such bullshit" Tyler says angrily flopping down onto the couch leaning back on the couch and closing her eyes. Lauren places her hand on Tyler's leg and gently squeezes, "What's wrong Ty?" Tyler's eyes open and she turns her head in the direction of Lauren, "I can't wait til I turn eighteen and I am able to fire my asshole manager."

"Well looks like you two are getting your wish" Tyler says, "I'm having a party." "Fair enough" Alister says, "We deserved that." "If you have to have a huge party you don't want" Lauren says, "I'll have a huge party I don't want." Tyler looks at Lauren, "Lolo, you don't-" "I want to Ty" Lauren says. "Ok" Tyler says. "So why don't you like your birthday again" Destiny asks. "Because it's just a sad reminder that no one cares enough about me to remember my special day" Tyler says. "Dude...that sucks" Alister says. Tyler shrugs, "It is what it is." Lauren pulls Tyler in for a hug and says, "Well I can't say that that will ever change, but I can guarantee you at least three people for the time being are going to care enough to remember and tell you happy birthday." Tyler smiles, "Lets get you home before our parents band me from seeing you again."

Before Tyler knows it, a month and half has past and it's the day of Lauren's, hers, and her secret identities party. As per requested by Lauren, the party is at Tyler's beach house. The crew that Tyler's asshole manager hired to set up for the party is in the middle of the final few touches as Alister dressed as Tyler, Destiny, and Lauren are hanging out in the living room while Tyler and her manager are in another room talking about something. "This is such bullshit" Tyler dressed as Harley says angrily storming into the living room, "I just got back." "I can do whatever the hell I want" Tyler's asshole manager says walking into the living room, "I own you. Now do as your told or else."

Tyler just glares at her manager as he walks towards the front door. "Asshole" Tyler says as she flips him off and then sits next to Lauren. "I'm scared to ask" Lauren says, "But what was that all about?" Tyler sighs, "I have to make an announcement well two announcements to night at my party. That I am releasing my second album tonight at midnight and that my second tour starts in a week." "You can't leave, you just got back" Lauren says. "I wish I didn't have to" Tyler says, "But I don't have a say in this Lolo, he owns me at least for one more year." "Let's just enjoy and make the most of the time we have until you leave again" Alister says. "What are we waiting for then" Tyler asks standing up and holding out her hand for Lauren, "Lets make the most of this party that nobody wanted."

Callie and Kitty join the group shortly after the party starts and the group of six hangs out and talks towards the back of Tyler's beach house. A couple of hours into the party, Tyler sees her manager out of the corner of her eyes signaling her towards the stage. Tyler just rolls her eyes then stands up and holds her hand for Lauren, "I have a surprise for you." "Oooo" Kitty says, "Get it Lauren." Lauren grabs Tyler hands and smiles as Tyler pulls her up, "Get your mind out of the gutter Kitty. Lead the way babe." Tyler walks towards the stage and motions for Lauren to wait as the rest of the group joins Lauren. Tyler grabs a mic and says, "Can I have your attention everyone." The rest of the party guest quiet down and gather around the stage.

"Stay tune til the end because I have two huge announcements to make" Tyler says, "First off I just want to say happy birthday to my girlfriend Lauren Carr and make sure to purchase her first album Crush dropping at midnight tonight." The crowd cheers, Lauren smiles at Tyler, and Tyler's manager glares at her. "Now who's up for some karaoke" Tyler yells into the mic and the crowd cheers, "Call me maybe by my amazing girlfriend Lauren, I love you Lolo." The crowd cheers and aw's while Destiny, Kitty, and Callie squeal. Lauren stands there in shock for a few seconds then smiles and mouths I love you too to Tyler as she strums the first chord to the song.

The crowd cheers when the song ends and Lauren runs onto the stage and kisses Tyler, "I love you too Harley." "I call next" a guy in the crowd says. "Uh sure come on up" Tyler says and Xavier walks onto the stage. Tyler internally groans and hands the mic to Xavier. "So I dedicate this song to my future girlfriend Lauren because lets be real here, Harley here is so out of her league and she deserves someone better" Xavier says, "I'm also singing one of Lauren's song, Girlfriend." "Booooo" Alister says. Destiny, Callie, and Kitty laugh while Lauren and Tyler smile. "Shut it loser" Xavier says, "No need to be bitter because you'll never stand a chance with Lauren." Tyler and Alister burst out in laughter. Once they calm down Tyler says, "Just song your song so we can get this over with."

The crowd half heartily claps when Xavier finishes. Harley grabs the mic and pushes Xavier towards the stairs of the stage annoyed that he kept hitting and dancing on Lauren as he sang the song. "You know you want me" Xavier says. "I guess it's my turn" Lauren says, "I will be singing one of mine and Harley's song. Also happy birthday babe and thank you for everything you have done for me." "I'd do anything for you Lauren" Tyler says. Lauren kisses Tyler and then hands her an electric guitar. Harley playfully smiles and shakes her head as she grabs the guitar and Lauren sings the first word of the song.

The crowd especially Destiny, Kitty, and Callie cheer. Tyler puts the guitar down before picking Lauren up and spinning her around, "That was amazing Lolo." Lauren smiles and laughs out of happiness. "Wasn't she amazing" Tyler asks after she puts Lauren down and the crowd cheers, "Who is next?" "Us" Kitty yells while dragging Callie onto the stage with her, "Stereo hearts by Harley Davidson. Hit it!"

Tyler, Lauren, and Alister slip backstage after Callie and Kitty start singing the song since everyone is distracted so that Alister and Tyler can switch spots and clothes. "I don't see why we have to switch" Alister says. "You can't sing" Tyler says, "And I want to one up Xavier yet again." "Fair enough" Alister says. Alister steps behind a corner as Tyler begins to undress. "Ty" Lauren says and Tyler stops undressing and looks at Lauren, "Thank you for everything, you don't know how much it means to me." "And I told you don't mention it, I would do anything for you" Tyler says. "I love you" Lauren says pulling Tyler into a hug. "I love you too Lauren" Tyler says.

"Hey love birds hurry up" Alister says interrupting the moment, "The song is almost over and well now I'm kinda the host." "Alright alright" Tyler says. Tyler finishes undressing and Lauren switches clothes. Alister starts to get dressed in the Harley Davidson clothes and Tyler gets dressed in her own clothes. "Oh shit" Lauren says. "What" Tyler and Alister says. "The wig" Lauren says. "That was a close one" Tyler says taking off the blonde wig. "Tyler is Harley" Tyler and Lauren hear. Tyler and Lauren look behind them to see a surprised looking Callie and Kitty.

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always, votes and comments are appreciated.

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