"Yes I know that" I replied trying to refrain from sighing in annoyance. He's reminded me of my writer's block at least once a day over the past year.

"What's going on with you?" My manager Scooter Braun asked clearly upset at my sudden behavior

"What do you mean?"

"You've been super distracted lately to the point where you don't even bother to act as if you care about what's going on in these meetings. You do realize this is your career we're all working hard for? If you fail, we all fail."

Yeah no pressure

"Yeah of course"

"What's got your attention these days?" He furrowed his eyebrows very curious as to why I'm not interested in anything he says.

"Nothing nothing let's talk about this album. That's what this meeting is about right?"

"Right, what's the progress looking like on the future number one album?"

"Damn" I muttered under my breath feeling exhausted from the schedule packed day. My head rested on the window as I relaxed in the backseat as my personal driver William drove me back home.

8:38pm read the time as I sighed feeling both mentally and physically tired from such days like these. As a professional singer/songwriter, days that are filled with meetings and phone calls are the absolute worst. It takes away the actual enjoyment of singing and having a career in this industry. The focus has shifted from actual raw talent to social media impacts and creating TikTok hit songs and such. At what point am I allowed to sing rather than please the media by doing all of these stupid press conferences.

I shook my head trying ignore the dark thoughts that were trying to appear feeling myself become upset.

"Bella?" I was more than excited to see her again "I'm back!" I called out but still hadn't received a response which caused me to frown. My nose began to pick up a slight burnt smell which was causing me to worry. "Bella?"

"Um....I'm in here Justin"

I jogged over to the kitchen following the sound of her angelic voice

"Oh honey........" I slapped my hand over my mouth trying to hide the amused bright smile that was plastered on my face. She stood behind the kitchen counter with an innocent like smile visibly embarrassed.

"Welcome home"

"Love...." I chuckled placing my phone and keys to the side as I approached her. "What happened?"

"Well I thought I would try to cook dinner for you as pay back for breakfast this morning but um something went wrong. I think I burnt the bread sticks" she pouted pointing to the oven that smoke flared out from

"You didn't have to do that"

" I know but I just wanted to do something nice for you for once. You've been nothing but extremely kind to me since the day we met and I just wanted to do the same. I don't know I guess I realized how grateful I am to have you in my life, as a friend" I smiled down at her slightly shocked at her sudden expression.

From the moment we became friends, she would never share any of her emotions with me. I can't say that I blamed her being that we were two completely strangers whose worlds suddenly collided. Even to this day she has a strong wall built to protect her emotions and any other feelings she may have. To hear her say that she's grateful to have me in her life was actually music to my ears.

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