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~ Sasuke's P.O.V ~

"When are the Chunin exams..?"

Minato opened his mouth to speak but pausing for a little bit "I don't think they'll be happening now.."


"It hasn't been a long time since you all became Genins , about getting promoted to Chunins I'll rank them myselves based on their abilities" he finsihed with a smile

"Oh" I thought

~ 3rd Person P.O.V ~

• Somewhere in the future

• (Hint) The new future

"Boruto.. you're really an idiot"

"Shut up Kenichi teme!' Boruto yelled

Kenichi rolled his eyes shoving his hands in his pocket leaning against the pillar of the Konoha gate waiting for "Boruto's master"

"Kenichi! Boruto!" Both the boys turned around to see shouted

"Yerin what are you doing here?" Kenichi asked

"I wanted to pick up dad too come on! You're not the only child" Yerin replied

"Woah woah calm down Sasuke-san must be coming soon" Boruto said

Soon three of the kids noticed a man walking towards the gate with a black cloak

"He's here!"

"You guys waited for me?" He asked

"Yess!" Three of them replied in unison making the older man chuckle

"Well then you all wanna train?"

"I do! I want TO!!! I'LL SHOW YOU IM YOUR TOP STUDENT!" Boruto exclaimed in excitement

He chuckled "We'll do it later then , I've to go to Naruto"

"Aren't you gonna visit mom?" Yerin asked

"Of course I am" Sasuke replied with a smile

With that he left for the Hokage's tower

"I changed everything into better.."

back to Present

~ Sasuke's P.O.V ~

4 days after the festival it was indeed a fun night when all the beautiful lanterns were up in the air but the ones Ren got from Mr Xaoma stood out a lot perfectly where most of the other lanterns were normal peach coloured

"Are you ready Sasuke?"

Today was my first mission as an ANBU member with Itachi to Suna . Knowing that  Konoha and Suna don't have better relations the Hokage told me diliver this scroll to the Kazekage and Itachi would be accompanying me .

"Yes! All set" Itachi chuckled coming closer ruffleing my hair

"Oi! Stop im not a little kid anymore" I removed his hand away

Itachi chuckled "sorry sorry..I just can't imagine my little brother grew up so much" he finished with a smile

I sweat dropped "Hnn..but I still have to grow more...Mr Prodigy dumbo!"

~ 3rd Person P.O.V ~

Sasuke and Itachi were on their way to Suna . What Itachi knew was to guide Sasuke on his first ANBU mission but little did he know Sasuke had other plans

"How long?" Sasuke asked as they were jumping onto the branches

"Pretty soon!" Itachi replied

• Time skip

Finding Love || Uchiha Sasuke Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang