Part 20

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(A/N: This was me the whole time I didn't update the book)

Normal Talking- "yeet"
Speaking in head- 'yeet'
Flashbacks- "yeet"
A/N- (yeet)

I get comfy and we all start to conversate

Mikey's POV:

It's the morning now and I decided to call both Hina and Emma since they both good at patching up wounds. I go to Takemichy's room so I can wake him up.

I enter his room and turn on his lights. He seems to stir, but not wake up. I start shaking him till he wakes up fully. I can hear him wince in pain.

"Why does my whole body hurt?" He asks in obvious pain.

"You don't remember?" I ask back.

"No.. what happened?" He asks clueless as to what happened.

"You had came across some gangster dude that decided to make the wrong decision and beat you up" I said with my anger boiling.

I can hear a faint 'oh' come from Takemichy. I suddenly hear the doorbell ring which in fact startled me. I head to the door and open it. I then see Emma and Hina waiting there. I walk to the side to let them in.

Once they had entered I closed the door behind them. They turn towards me and Emma was the first to ask something.

"So who is injured? You only just said that someone important is injured"

"In the room over there" I say pointing towards where Takemichy is at.

They head over where I pointed at with me following. I could here them gasp in shock as they are looking down on Takemichy. If I had not known what happened then I would have been shocked too.

"What happened to the poor boy?!?" Hina asks in clear sadness.

"Did you beat this boy up Mikey?" Emma asks, which I think is a very stupid question.

"NO, I ain't no low life gangster like that!" I shout out making Takemichy stir a bit.

"I get it. I get it, chill out. I was just playing" Emma says while rolling her eyes.

Time Skip to after they are done with patching up Takemichi's wounds, since I am not a doctor

Takemichi's POV:

I start walking up and start to feel very sore and a few stings here and there. I try to sit up but I'm too sore, and my muscles hurt. I open my eyes slightly but its a bit bright in the room.

I adjust to the brightness and open my eyes fully. I see Auntie Emma, Uncle Mikey and some other girl. I see them look at me with pity. I feel slight anger at the whole pity thing, but I guess I would have pitied anyone else in this situation.

To be Continued

(A/N: I am so sorry I had almost completely forgot this story! I have no excuse I was just being lazy. Again I'm sorry for not posting.)

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