Part 6

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[A/N: I forgot to say that draken was there but I didn't include him much in there so sorry]

Text Speech:
Normal Talking- "yeet"
Speaking in head- 'yeet'
Flashbacks- "yeet"<-- might do flashbacks
A/N- [yeet]

"What will you do if I do tell you guys?" I ask hoping they wouldn't beat the people to death.

Mikey's POV:

I look at all my friends and they all look at each other and me and as a silent agreement we all say:

"WE'RE GOING TO KILL THEM" we all shouted with determination in our voices.

"EEEHH" Takemichy makes a noise of confusion.

"No way am I telling you then!" Takemichy looks away seeming to be serious about not telling us.

"Then we will stay with you all day and wait for the people who hurt you to come out." Declares Baji-san.

We all nod in agreement but Takemichy looks at us like we are crazy. I think we are too but thats just who we are. It was dark outside but still lit up. As we walk with Takemichy to his home we see a shadowed figure with a knife going straight towards Takemichy. Me and the protect the bean squad instantly reached by blocking Takemichy from getting hit and also by punching the person straight in the face sending them flying. Also while we were walking with Takemichy we all decided that we would make a squad even though we can litterly make all of Touman protect Takemichy he wouldn't have friends that way. That is why we decided that it would just be the captains + Ken-chin and me. We continued walking to Takemichy's home.

Time Skip to when they are at Takemichi's apartment:

We arrived at Takemichy's front door, I instantly go to knock on the door only to be stopped by Takemichy.

"Don't knock on it, I have keys" Takemichy says in a monotone voice.

I wonder, why does he have keys? why did he say not to knock? I am so confused. Doesn't he have parents or a guardian in there? Are they out working? Yeah that could be it. While I was thinking Takekichy had already invited us all in for dinner to which we all agreed. I was expecting him to pull out something to heat up but he instead cooked. We were all shocked since it was odd seeing a ten year old cook by themselves, even I can't cook still! Not long after we settled down in the living room Takemichy asked us if we could set up the table. We all agreed but only saw few chairs and a small table so we decided we would eat in the living room and dining room since there is very little space. That's when it hit me. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, small apartment... Takemichy doesn't have a parents or a guardian. When I realized this I wanted to tell everyone else at my discovery.

"Guys!" I wisper shout to make them come over here.

"Yeah?" Mitsuya-san asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you guys notice yet?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Notice what?" Asks Ken-chin with a unknowing look.

"1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a small apartment?" I say trykngnto get them to understand.

The realization hit their faces. Me along with the others frowned at this informative.

Takemichi's POV:

I got done with making the food for everyone. As I was about to go tell them they camenintonthe kitchen instead auich made me bump into one of them.

"Oof" as I was falling Baji-san caught me just in time.

"Kid we need to ask you something again." Baji-san says in a sadden tone.

"Hm sure go ahead and ask" I say tilting my head slightly in a curious way.

"Do- ugh, do you live alone without any adult?" Draken-kun asks slightly struggling to get the words out.

I don't trust my voice to not break so I just nod slightly while tearing up a bit.

"Oh please don't cry we didn't mean to bring up bad memories!" Mitsuya-san says in a worried tone while getting on his knees to cup my right cheek in his hand wiping away a tear that was about to fall.

I hug Mitsuya-san sobbing on his shoulder. Evrryijengathered around me and started hugging me.

"Let it out Takemichy no more sadness the gang will be your new family" Uncle Mikey states while light smiling to reassure me.

"O-ok" I stutter while wiping my tears away lightly smiling too.

"Let me go now before the food gets cold." I say cheerfully.

They let me go so I can serve everyone. I start serving everyone and put the food to the spot they were sitting at.

"I made katsudon and dumplings, so enjoy!" I say after serving everyone.

"Thank you for the food" they all say.

I smile knowing they will like it. Aftrr they took the first bight their eyes all shined in amazement. They started to chow down on their food like a pack of hyenas.

"Slow down or else you'll get sick plus there is more for everyone" I say smiling.

After we all ate we stayed up a little to watch the T.V. Not long after the T.V got turned on I started to get sleepy. My eyes started to grow heavy I then start to fall into the void called sleep.

[A/N: Surprise lolz!] Draken's POV:

We all noticed that Takemichy fell asleep while watching the T.V. All of our eyes shined at the cuteness. I grabbed Takemichy and took him to his room, its small but decent for a child to live in. I placed him softly in his futon tucking him in with his small blanket.

"Aaww Draken being a mother" says Mitsuya in a hushed tone.

I grab his ear to with he says ow repeatedly but very quite. As I pulled him out I said:

"SHUT UP" I knew that my face was red from embarrassment because no one has seen me take care of a kid so nicely before, besides Mikey of course.

"Hehehe" that bastard Mitsuya giggles.

"I am so telling the others this" he starts to speed walk away before I can catch him.

"Guys, guess what I saw in Takrmichi's room!" Sll of them raised their eyebrows to show interest. I tried to shut Mitsuya up but he said it before I could even try.

"I saw Draken taking care of Takemichi in a motherly way" I turned extremely red from embarrassment.

"Eeeh" all of them say in bewilderment.

"Yeah yeah I did ao shut up now" I say trying to not turn red.

"We should go to bed though so we can get enough sleep for the morning" I say knowing I sound I like a mother.

"Ok Mom-chin" Mikey says with a little salute.

To be Continued

[A/N: I hope this made up for the short chapters latly. I tied doing a cuteness overload the best I can.]

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