34-An Apartment

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Waking up this morning I hadn't expected Percy and I to be touring an apartment. 

It wasn't planned but she needed to go shopping for snacks for movie night and we passed by a sign that said they were having open walk throughs. 

Naturally Percy wanted to go see it and naturally I let her do what she wanted to do. 

That was how we got here, the two of us touring an apartment where Percy keeps pointing at things saying she wants that in her future apartment. 

I think if she could afford an apartment right now she would get this one. I didn't realize taking her to an apartment would be the same as taking someone to see puppies. 

"Look at those marble counter tops. I would die for those." She squeals, pulling me along through the room.

I don't think I've seen her this excited in well... ever. 

This is something I feel like I should've known about my girlfriend but at the same time I wasn't prepared for her to be this into interior design. 

"Babe, they have floor to ceiling windows." She gestures to the windows and we walk over to see the city view. 

I can't deny these windows are pretty cool and the view is nice as hell. 

I haven't given much thought to where I'll live after I graduate, I think I planned to just find an apartment wherever I needed up. 

Now I see when we get an apartment we'll have to tour many until Percy finds the one she wants because I won't let her settle for anything less. 

I don't even know when it hit me that I want a future with this girl. That when I see my future plans she's a part of them. 

I can't even hate it because it's exactly where she belongs, in my present and in my future. My forever. 

"Are you two interested?" A man asks. He's wearing a suit and I can tell he's about to go into his dialogue about every detail in this apartment and I also know Percy is going to eat it up. 

"Uhm, yeah." She smiles at him and just as I predicted he starts to list all the features of the apartment and she eats it up. 

I stand there holding her hand but I dead ass feel like I'm third wheeling. 

"Do you guys have any units with wood or laminate floors?" She asks him, "Carpet is good but not always, I like the look of wood like flooring."

He smiles and then rattles on about other properties that have what she's looking for. 

"Oh and when I get an apartment I want to get a cat, do ya'll have animal friendly units? I read on the paper that this one wasn't."

She wants a fucking cat? What else don't I know about the girl I'm dating?

Also I've never been a cat person. Dogs, one hundred percent, but cats scare me. They are definitely smarter than us but play dumb so we lower our guard. 

I would do almost anything for Percy but I think getting a cat is crossing a line. I'll probably wake up with that thing laying on my chest staring it's snake eyes at me. 

"What do you think, Asa?" She asks and I turn to see them both staring at me. 

I've been tuning them out ever since she brought up that fucking cat. 

"Uh, what?" I ask, confused and she swats my arm, "Babe, I asked if you thought having a dishwasher was a necessity or not. They're nice but if it ups the cost is it worth it?"

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