Chapter 1

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What the...? Where am I? You woke up to find yourself on a circular stained glass platform. The stained glass was a young girl in a yellow dress holding a bitten apple. She was surrounded by different, weird looking men. The girl was vaguely familiar to you, but you couldn't quite figure out why. In fact, you couldn't remember anything at all. "What's going on? Where am I? Who am I?" You asked out loud.

"Can you hear me?"

You jumped at the voice. "Who are you!? Why do you sound like me!?" You asked. "All in do time. Don't be afraid." You took a deep breath and calmed down a bit. "The door is still shut. Now step forward. Can you do it?" The voice asked. You raised an eyebrow as you took a couple of steps forward. 

You stood at the center of the platform when three small pedestals rose from the stained glass floor. Three objects appeared on each pedestal. One was a sword, another was a shield, and the last one was a staff. Each item had a symbol of two small circles on top of a bigger circle. "Power sleeps within you. If you give it form... It will give you strength. Choose well." The voice said. "Power sleeps within me?" You asked yourself. You shook your head, putting the question away for another time.

You walked up to the (sword/shield/staff) and picked it up. "Is this the power you seek?" The voice asked. "Yes." You answered. As you stared at the weapon, it dissolved into light particles. "Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?" You turned around to face the remaining weapons. You walked up to the (sword/shield/staff) and picked it up. "You give up this power?" The voiced asked. "Yes." You answered. The weapon in your hand also dissolved. "Is this the form you choose?" The voice asked. This voice sure is asking a lot of questions. "Yes." You answered.

The pedestals soon collapsed. It wasn't long until the stained glass began to break apart right under your feet until there was no platform left to stand on. You screamed as you fell into the dark abyss until you spotted another stained glass platform. This one was different, showing a different girl in a blue dress with glass slippers on. This also felt familiar to you, but you just couldn't remember. You safely landed on the platform on your feet. As soon as you landed, your (sword/shield/staff) appeared in your hand. "You've gained the power to fight." The voice said. You swung your weapon around a couple of times. "Use this power to protect yourself and others." You were confused. Protect myself from what?

You looked ahead and spotted a dark shadow on the floor. The dark shadow the rose to take the form of a dark, ant creature. What the-!? "There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong." The voice said as more appeared. You stood in a fighting position before swinging your weapon at the enemies. You managed to defeat one, causing the rest to retreat. You were about to relax when the voice shouted, "Behind you!" You turned around to find a creature sneaking up behind you. You quickly swung your weapon and defeated it before more appeared.

You defeated these creatures left and right until some sunk to the floor, creating a darkness that was spreading across the platform. The darkness surrounded you until you were sinking in it. You squirmed in the darkness, trying to escape, but you kept sinking in like quicksand. The darkness consumed you and you waved you hands around in an attempt to chase the darkness away. Your eyes were closed shut until you opened them, gasping as you found yourself lying down on another stained glass platform.

This stained glass had three silhouettes of what looked to be a princess. You slowly stood up and spotted a pair of doors. You approached the door, only to find that the door was see through. I can't open the door... You turned around to witness a chest appear in front of you. You opened the chest and a large crate appeared behind you. You didn't know why, but you somehow knew what to do next. You pushed the crate before breaking it to pieces. You turned to the door and saw the door frame materialize before a barrel appeared. You quickly broke the barrel and the doors soon materialized as well. The doors opened and a bright line shone through. You squinted your eyes as you adjusted to the bright light. Once you did, you slowly stepped through the doorway as the light engulfed you.

Once the light faded, you stood on a different stained glass platform showing a girl in a purple dress with thorns surrounding her. As you stepped forward, more of those creatures appeared and surrounded you. Your weapon appeared in your hand and you got into a fighting position. You quickly moved out of the way as a creature tried to attack you. You swiftly swung your weapon at them, defeating some of them. Some scratched you up a bit, but you managed to defeat all of them.

You noticed stained glass stairs appearing at the edge of the platform leading to a wither platform. "I guess I have no choice but to follow." You said. You quickly ran up the stairs to the next platform. This platform had a boy wearing a white jacket, red shorts, and yellow shoes while holding a giant key. I feel like I should know who he is. Why can't I remember who he is? "The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes." You turned around to see your long shadow when it suddenly rose from the ground.

You gasped in shock as you back away. The shadow grew taller and began to take a different form. "But don't be afraid." The shadow grew to the size of a building with weird tentacles for hair and a hole in its middle in the shape of a heart. What is that thing!? "And don't forget..." You tried to run away from the creature, but stopped once you realized you had nowhere to go. I guess I have no choice but to fight. You got into a fighting stance and summoned your weapon.

You charged at the creature and attacked its hand, dealing some damage. The creature lifted its hand before downing it into the ground. A dark portal formed underneath its hand and the ant creatures from before began to appear. These things again? You quickly dealt with the smaller creatures before reverting your attention back to the giant creature's hand. You attacked its hand again when you felt something hit your back. You hissed in pain as you turned around and saw balls of dark energy target you. You dodge most of the attacks, about two more hitting you. You fell in your knees in pain, but quickly got back up. I can't die here! You ran to the creature and slashed your weapon at its hand. This was enough for you to finish it off.

Your legs began to shake as you tried to catch your breath. Your weapon soon disappeared from your hand, leaving you defenseless. You fell to the ground as you couldn't stand anymore. You watched as the giant creature staggered on its feet. "— But don't be afraid." The tall creature fell on its knees. "You hold the mightiest weapon of all." The tall creature began to tip over. "So don't forget." You watched helplessly as the tall creature was about to fall on top of you.

"You are the one who will open the door to your memories, Y/N."

Kingdom Hearts: Scattered MemoriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant