Chapter 14 | Pity

Start from the beginning

I get out of my clothes, put my 'in my feelings' playlist on and put it on the loudest setting and get in the shower.

(Song at the top ~ I don't know if it works so let me know if you don't see it)

I'm singing along with the songs, pouring my feelings out. Suddenly that one song comes, you know the one you relate south to it just makes u cry your heart out and sing it with so much emotion...

Worthless - Eli

I'm always so alone
Even when surrounded
By people that I know
I'm always so astounding
But my ability to ruin everything
Losing friends and starting fires,
Everyone thinks I'm a liar

I always stay at hope
cause I'm not good in public
I sit here on my phone
I'm always disappointed
I watch them live their lives
I wish that I were happy
Victim of my generation
Time machines cannot erase it

Who am I supposed to be?
When will I be complete?
When will they be proud of me?
It's getting harder to see

Slit my wrists, bloody fists
Questioning why I exist
Pain persists, evil gifts
Fucking up my life to shit
I'm worthless, I'm worthless
I'm worthless, slit my wrists until I bleed out

I try to stay strong
No matter what I do
I'm always in the wrong
It never gets easier
But maybe that's the point
It's part of growing up
Messing up and learning from it
That's just life, it's necessary

Clinging to hope
What else is there to live for?
Got nowhere to go
What else is pain good for?
I am confident that your life has a purpose
It's okay, you will get through it
Don't give up 'cause someone needs you

Who am I supposed to be?
When will I be complete?
When will they be proud of me?
It's getting harder to see

Slit my wrists, bloody fists
Questioning why I exist
Pain persists, evil gifts
Fucking up my life to shit
I'm worthless, I'm worthless
I'm worthless, slit my wrists until I bleed out

Please, don't give up
I got to stay strong, I got to move on
I got to know, oh when you feel alone
Please, you got to know
That someone needs you
Please, don't give up
I got to stay strong, I got to move on
I got to know hope, when you feel low
Please, you got to know
That someone needs you

Slit my wrists, bloody fists
Questioning why I exist
Pain persists, evil gifts
Fucking up my life to shit
I'm worthless, I'm worthless
I'm worthless, slit my wrists until I bleed out

I'm worthless, I'm worthless
I'm worthless, slit my wrists until I bleed out

The song just finished and I'm full on sobbing. Okay enough feelings. I wipe my tears away and turn of the shower. I try to do this a couple times a year so I don't get mental breakdowns, it really helps.

Right now I just want to forget everything that happened the past week and there is one method that really works. Drinking a lot of alcohol till I pass out. I know I shouldn't do it cause the last time I did this I almost died of alcohol poisoning, but it worked. I forget everything for a couple of days.

I just put some sweats and a sweater on and walk back in my room walk over to a hidden compartment in my closet and grab my strongest bottle of vodka.

I put my music on and start dancing to it while drinking from the bottle

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I put my music on and start dancing to it while drinking from the bottle.

It's been 30min and the bottle is empty, I walk over to the closet and grab another one.

1 hour later I finished 2 bottles of vodka and a bottle of whiskey. At least that's what I think I had it could be more, I lost count of the amount. I'm having trouble standing and keeping my eyes open. I make my way to my bed and fall down the moment I hit the bed I pass out.

Ares's POV

When we arrived back at the mansion two hours ago and Manon wasn't looking very well. She seemed very distant, lost in thought but not in a good way.

I'm staying over again at the Ricci's cause my parents are on a vacation now that my father is retired.

It's now time for dinner and Melanie has asked me to get Manon from her room.

While I'm walking up the stairs I hear music blasting from her room which is weird. All the rooms are sound proof so it has to be really loud to be heard from the hallway.

I knock on her door but of course she doesn't hear me. So I try to open her door, I doesn't move. How the hell am I supposed The tell her dinners ready if I cannot even tell her.

I decide to go through Archers room. I walk in his room and open his window. I climb out and climb over to Manon her room and jump on her balcony. Luckily her window is still open. I get inside and see that I'm in her closet. I see an open drawer and walk over and see liquor bottles in it, lots of it and not just any the strongest ones.

Shit this is not a good sign.

I walk in her room and am overwhelmed with the loud music and the smell of liquor. I look around and see around 7 bottles laying on the ground. I take a closer look to see what she drank.

3 bottles of straight vodka, 2 bottles of the strongest whiskey, 1 bottle tequila and a bottle of absinthe.

Shit this is really not good. I look around and see her laying on her bed and run over. I check her breathing and notice that she's barely breathing. FUCK.

I quickly grab her from the bed and run downstairs to her family. I tell them that we need to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

We all get in 2 cars and speed towards the hospital. Alexander is calling James to let him know to come to the hospital for Manon.

We arrive and run to the ER and immediately someone comes with a stretcher. I put Manon and it and tell them what happened. They quickly leave with her.

30 minutes have passed and we still haven't heard anything. James, Arthur and Misha just arrived and I explained to them how I found her. Arthur and Misha break down, while mumbling something along the lines 'she promised...' I couldn't make out the rest. James started pacing while saying 'not again' over and over.

I'm really confused has this happened before?

Before I can think more about it I see doctors running towards the operation room where Manon is in screaming " CODE RED"  and another screaming "WE'RE LOSING HER."

Hey if you want to have a certain someone's POV let me know.
Yeah that's it, bye

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