chapter 5

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hello and welcome to chapter 5!! a little disclaimer, this chapter does contain smut. :)

august 10th, 2023

"Hey Wille, you wanna decorate your room? We have time to go to Ikea today!" Simon yelled out from the kitchen, knowing his voice will reach the bedroom.
"Uh yea, just let me get ready!" Wilhelm hurried into some black jeans with a random sweater over it. He decided he looked ok and went out to brush his teeth.

Running his hand through his hair, he ran out to Simon.
"Im ready now, im gonna take an apple to eat in the car. Have you eaten yet?" Wilhelm asked, pecking Simon on the cheek.

"I woke up early and made breakfast for myself, im good. Lets go"

Arriving to Ikea, the couple locked hands and went through the entrance.

"Should we take a cart? My room was pretty empty.. So we'll probably need a lot of things."

"Sure love, we can take a cart, im glad you wanna make your room your own" Simon smiled.

First section they walked into was the kitchen section, seeing all kinds of pretty tupperware and cutlery.
"Simon, look at these ceramic cups! Arent they cute?" Wilhelm happily waved his boyfriend over.
Simon drove over with the cart to see the cups Wilhelm pointed out, and he couldnt help but smile. It was so cute, so cute how Wilhelm got excited over cups.
"Take some of those love, no one said we had to buy things exclusively for your room."

Next section was the bedroom section, where all designs of beds and decorations were located.
"Simon, does this look cute?" Wilhelm held up a bed linen with a floral pattern on it.
"Thats cute, get it, and if you get two, we can have our blankets matching each other?" Simon suggested and Wilhelm happily nodded.

The two had quickly gone through the whole store, now only waiting to get in line.
Wilhelm saw they had a lot of candles stored not far away, and suddenly he thought of the bendy candles he'd seen Felice make.
Walking away and letting Simon stand in line for the time being, he went ahead and picked out some candles.

Walking back to his boyfriend, he put the candles in the cart and Simon just shrugged his shoulders.

They got home shortly, and wanted to get started on the blonde prince's room as soon as possible.

Wilhelm started changing the covers on his bed  and it made him so happy to see the floral pattern, it already looked so much better.
A bunch of plants were added as well as photos.

A book shelf was put up, cause Wilhelm read a bit too many books.
A coffee table — followed by two pretty chairs.

Wilhelm collected crystals, his friends knew that.
He had bought a small table to use as an altar for his crystals, letting his small jewelry holders and other decorations on the table.

It seemed so complete now. Wilhelm was so happy over how the room really looked like him, and it was so much brighter.

Simon hugged the boy from behind,
"What do you think? You like it?"

"Mhm, I really like it. Thank you love, it feels much better to be in here now." Wilhelm smiled, closing his eyes.

It had been a few hours later, the two boys had also put their ceramic findings into the kitchen.
Wilhelm had finished up taking a shower, remembering he bought candles.

Simon was scrolling on his phone in Wille's room, so Wilhelm went out to get a bucket full of warm water.

Entering his room, Simon looked confused.
"Why do you have a bucket of water?"

"I bought those candles, remember? Ive seen those bendy candles everywhere and I wanna try making them.."

"Oh those, sure. Lets try."
They both shared between the candles, making sure they both had an even amount.
They submerged them in water for 10 minutes, cracking jokes at each other while they wait.

Once the 10 minutes were over, they started trying the bend the candles. Most of Wilhelm's attempts went wrong, since he wasnt being patient. Simon's attempts were way better, and he made quite a few good ones.

"Yours looks good, while mine are all broken.."
Wilhelm pouted.
Simon laughed softly.
"Thats cause I waited 10 minutes, you didnt even wait 5 minutes."

After they made dinner and ate with their new cutlery, the two laid in bed in silence.

They werent cuddling or anything, just facing each other.

Simon slowly put his hand on Wilhelm's hip, beginning to softly massage the spot.
"Feel good?" He asked, he wanted to make sure it didnt hurt the other.
Wilhelm nodded softly, sleepily.
"You look so kissable right now." Simon blurted out.
"Then kiss me, you idiot." Wilhelm leaned in to kiss his boyfriend.
Simon had to sit up correctly, so he disconnected their lips for a few seconds.
Wilhelm quickly followed along and climbed onto the lap of his boyfriend, connecting their lips again.
"Ive missed this" Simon moaned out, biting down on Wilhelm's lip.
"Mh, me too." Wilhelm whispered a reply, beginning to wiggle his hips slowly.
This pulled a groan out of Simon, putting his hands roughly on Wilhelm's waist and holding him in place.
"Before I do anything I dont wanna do without your consent, are you ready now? If not, we're gonna have to stop or i'll get a hard-on very soon." Simon looked into his eyes, very serious. Things had gotten a bit aggressive between them a few days ago, tho Wilhelm stopped before anything else happened because he didnt feel ready.
"Im ready, I swear." Wilhelm answered back as seriously as Simon.
"Good then, keep going."
Continuing to wiggle his hips, Wilhelm started grinding his hips straight down onto Simon.
"Fuck Wille, this feels so good".

Simon was leaving hickeys all over Wilhelm's neck, meanwhile his hands were all over the place.
One of his hands wandered into soft blonde hair, making Wilhelm pull his head back to make more space for Simon.
The other hand slowly made its way down to the front of Wilhelm's sweatpants.
Tugging on the waistband, Simon spoke up.
"May I?"
Wiggling out of sweatpants, Wilhelm was left in a tshirt and his boxers.
Simon started palming Wilhelm through his boxers, making the other squirm and moan.
Anxiously trying to take control, Wilhelm played with the button of Simon's pants.
"Mmhm, not now. Right now the focus is on you."
"But Simme, I wanna make the focus be set on us both."
Simon chuckled and quickly wiggled out of his pants, being left in nothing but boxers.
Wilhelm made a desparate attempt to help Simon out, but he was too distracted, and let his head fall on Simon's shoulder.
Both were grinding against each other, and you could hear surprised gasps coming from Wilhelm.
"Youre doing so good love, so good." Simon continued.
"Ah, thank you. It feels, so so good" Wilhelm moaned, his hair sticking to his face.
He started thrusting up into Simon's hand, he felt so close.
"Simme, please, oh my god" He whined, not knowing what to say.
"Its okay love, its okay" Simon shushed him.
Wilhelm felt himself sweating more and more, getting closer to climax.
With a loud moan, Wilhelm came into his boxers.
Aggressive breathing, Wilhelm lifted his head.
"Simme, can I help you now?"
"You dont need to help me dear."
"But I wanna."

Wilhelm discarded his boxers, and discarded Simon's aswell. He started grinding down on his boyfriend, hoping it would be enough.
"Is this enough for you to finish?"
"Almost, I'll take care of the rest."
"No, I wanna do it myself."
Wrapping a hand around Simon, he started slowly jerking him off.
Simon let out small groans and praises dedicated to Wilhelm.
"This alright?"
"Its more than enough Wille, fuck youre killing me"
Simon started controlling the hips of his boyfriend, grinding themselves together even harder.
Wilhelm could feel Simon was close, he knew by the way his breathing got rougher.
Being quicker with his hand, Simon came with a small moan.
"Wille fuck, fuck, fuck your hand feels so good-"
Wilhelm had cum all over his hand.
They were so sweaty and disgusting, but Wilhelm couldnt help but laugh softly.

After a bit, they showered and rinsed themselves off.
Simon helped Wilhelm wash his hair all the way through.
They got into fresh clothes and brushed their teeth.
Wrapping themselves in each others arms, they quickly fell asleep.

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