chapter 4

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august 7th, 2023

Wilhelm had waken up to an empty bed. Simon wasnt beside him, and that made him panic intensely. He jumped out of bed to look around his room, Simon still wasnt there. Almost throwing his door open, he quickly relaxed when he heard singing and the soft smell of food. Lazily walking into the bathroom and washing his teeth, he let himself relax. Simon was here, he didnt leave him. He's safe. Brushing his teeth he looks at himself in the mirror. His eyebags are still visible, but he has marks all over him that indicate he slept well. He looks down at his wrist, eyes scattering over the scars. He stops for a second and touches them lightly, his fingers lingering over them.

He feels ashamed. Simon seemed to listen to him and understand why he did what he did to himself, but the look in his eyes were concerned. He felt so weird and out of space.
Spitting out his toothpaste waste, he decided to clean them properly. It stung so bad, and a few tears decided to well up in his eyes. But it was finally over, they were cleaned. Wilhelm decided on going in to see Simon.

Walking into the kitchen, he saw his 'boyfriend' (?) making pancakes and a blender with a pink liquid inside. It smelled so good and the atmosphere of the room made him happy. Simon's phone was playing Frank Ocean, and he was singing along like this place was his home. Like he had been here forever.
It made Wilhelm so happy that he stood there and observed the moment.

"Goodmorning" Wilhelm said with a yawn, stretching out his arms.
"Oh goodmorning love, did you sleep well?" Simon turned around as he got a bit scared, he didnt notice Wilhelm.
He went away from his cooking and wrapped Wilhelm in a hug.
"Mhm, sleeping was good.." Answering shortly and in a lazy way, Wilhelm let himself be hugged by Simon. He wasnt really awake enough for this, he was still so sleepy but it was time he started the day anyway. He had a few things to get going with.
Putting his finger under the shorter boys jaw, Simon let himself kiss Wilhelm softly, afterwards putting a hand on his hip and massaging it slowly. Wilhelm responded by throwing his arms around Simons neck, completely letting the curly haired boy before him take all the control.
Simon moved back and moved Wilhelm up on the counter, kissing him passionately.
He bit Wilhelm's lip, making the boy whine a bit.
Wilhelmed panicked, he wasnt ready for this. He quickly pulled away from Simon with a scared look.
"Uhm, im sorry? I dont really think im ready for this again.. yet? I dont know.." He trailed off, confusing himself with his own words.
"Oh im sorry, its completely okay! I'll be careful then" Simon just smiled, pecked Wilhelms cheek and went back to making breakfast.

The two ate their breakfast together while chatting away about whatever was on their minds.

Going into Wilhelm's room again, they werent really sure what to do.
Sure, Simon had one short class to attend and Wilhelm had emails to answer. But that wasnt gonna take long so they werent gonna start on that now.
"What do we do now? Theres nothing to do until like 2:30pm.. " Wilhelm blurted out.
"Well I dont know Wille, what do you wanna do? We can do pretty much everything."
"No, I dont know .. Thats why I asked you, aish." Wilhelm smiled at Simon.

"Well then, lets talk. Lets talk about whatever we can or want to talk about. Or is that too boring for you, prince?" Simon teased.

"Haha, funny nickname you found there. I dont know, all we do is talk."

"We could talk more personally. I dont think we've finished our talk entirely."

"Well thats correct, yeah. What do we need to talk about then, curly boy?"

"Abouttt, how we arent officially boyfriends yet. Maybe we've both thought about it, but we havent said anything so far."

"I didnt know we needed to be clear with it, but it makes sense. Ive thought about it as well.."

"Well then prince, do you wanna be my boyfriend again? Forever and ever."
Wilhelm jumped out of his place on his bed, happily looking at Simon and squealing.
"Yes!! Please yes!!"
They both laughed in happiness, they were official. Not for the public eye, but for them. And thats all they needed right now.

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