All For One Appears, Ryuko's Transformation!

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The Nomus tried their best to apprehend Ryuko, who just one-shot them by knocking them out via chops to the back of their necks, and injecting her claws into each of them, disabling their quirks.

She then looked at the freed Shigaraki, who is glaring at her.

"Are you here to humiliate yourself... Shimura Tenko, also known as Shigaraki Tomura?"

"I'm not! I have improved, and I have become what will defeat you... A Super Villain!"

And yes, he is making it up. Ryuko couldn't help but chuckle at his boast.

Tomura dashes towards Ryuko, before stopping inches before her, and made a quick step to her back.

"You're open!"

However, Tomura was met with a slap to the face by Ryuko's tail, which then coils itself around him. Dragon Energy begins to surge out of the tail, disabling Tomura's quirk.

"Now, who's a super villain, again? A super loser is more like it for you... Dreamless child."

She then strengthened her hold on Tomura, squeezing his body until he shouted out in agony.

A moment later, an evil force begins to make it's way towards them. Izuku nearly threw up, while the rest trembled in fear. Ryuko however, just moaned and looked at the source.

There stood the man in the black metal mask, The Symbol of Evil, All For One.

"So you finally showed up. I thought you're so cold that you would leave your child behind like this." She released Tomura from her hold.

"It looks like you're the one who's causing trouble to our operations. Alongside All-Might, I will end the both of you."

"End me? I don't think so!"

All-Might landed beside Ryuko, and asked her "Are you hurt, Young Moeru!?"

"Ask a question you'll get an answer to, Yagi Toshinori."

"I guess I'll take that as a yes, and don't fret... Because I AM HERE!"

Ryuko yawned, bored at his behavior. At least she is lucky not to be at I-Island to attend some party. She'd rather be alone, with Izuku... If only he didn't join All-Might to go there.

"Get it over with already."

All-Might then tried to do one of his punches to All For One, only for the latter to blow him away using a blast of wind.

"A stolen quirk, I see..."

"One's down. Now you're next."

"Try me."

All For One then used his quirk to coil his muscles, and charged at Ryuko with all his might. Ryuko just slapped his fist away, but All For One knew that will happen, so he used his left hand's fingers to shoot out piercing black tendrils to penetrate Ryuko's draconic armor.

She dodged them, and shot him with a blast of hellfire from her breath. He quickly puts it out by moving about.

"You are a tough opponent indeed, All For One... Formerly a member of the Shigaraki Family, and the brother of Shigaraki Yoichi."

"H...How did you know--"

"Hush, I spilled a lot do I? Now allow me to show you a form that nobody else has seen before... Be honored."

Her horns glowed, and it's scales begin to spread around her head forming a helmet, and on her shoulders, forming black plates pauldrons with white bracers.

Her horns glowed, and it's scales begin to spread around her head forming a helmet, and on her shoulders, forming black plates pauldrons with white bracers

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"Y... You Monster..."

"I get that a lot. Now, time to perish!" Ryuko makes a deranged expression, as her scales then spread across her face, closing her mouth, forming a mask. The moment the mask closed, the sky turned black, and the concrete surfaces around them glowed brightly from Ryuko's aura.

 The moment the mask closed, the sky turned black, and the concrete surfaces around them glowed brightly from Ryuko's aura

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"Heh! What good are you? You just grew some armor, that's all! And with those bulk, you'll never catch me!"

All For One then dashed towards Ryuko's back attempting to attack her from behind, but then stopped as Ryuko suddenly appears in front of him again before he turned around.

"Hey there, it's been a while~"

"I... Impossible... So this is Alatreon's full capabilities!?"

Thunder begins to strike down across the city, and rain begins to fall down. However the rainwater is warm instead of cold, due to Ryuko being in Fire Active.

She kneed All For One in the abdomen, knocking the wind out of him, before uppercutting him sending him flying upwards. She flew up to follow her, and did a backflip to whip him back to the ground using her tail.

"S...Sensei, run..."

Ryuko heard that, and summoned a thunderbolt that strikes the still downed Tomura.

She begins to slowly approach All For One's body, grabbed him by the shirt collar and slapped him across the mask multiple times until it cracked.

"Defeat is getting closer, fight harder!"

All For One quickly used his arms, generating drill like structures using his Spearlike Bone stolen quirk, in an attempt to impale Ryuko, but they didn't pierce her.

"Thanks for the massage, Villain."

She then landed a punch, sending All For One flying backwards to a concrete wall.

"Ah, I'm quitting~"

"W...What!? What do you mean you're quitting!?"

"You steal quirks, that are insignificant. None of them worked on me, and now you're just embarrassing yourself. Go and fight All-Might for all I care."

She then laughed maniacally, before flying off. She skipped the rest of the battle, which ended in All-Might using United States of Smash to defeat All For One, although this move also ended his hero career.

He pointed to Izuku, saying "You're next." As both he and Ryuko believed that Izuku would be the next Symbol of Peace.

Ryuko reverts back into her normal dragon armor, losing all those bulk and mask as a result. She flew back home to rest, for a bit...

- To Be Continued

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