Pitch killed my entire family, destroyed my entire planet and slaughtered my whole race. I am the last Pooka. That is the very first time I have eva been able to say that. I could neva bring ma'self to admit that it was true. Now I can, thanks to you.

(A/N: That is all true fact! According to the original book series by William Joyce *That I own and read often* E.Aster Bunnymund is an ancient alien from a long dead planet. DreamWorks changed his character around a bit for the movie but in most ways he's the still same.)

'It's takin me over 10 thousand years and a very persistent winter spirit to get me out of that emotionless and lonley depression. The very same depression she's in right now.

I don't know what could have happened that was bad enough for a 16 year old child to do this kind of cruelty to herself, but Jack ya need to tread lightly. She's a bomb that could blow up at any second. I want ya to be there when she does. Romanna needs a friend to lean on, someone who can hold onto her and keep her believin in herself. Even when the whole world seems to turn against 'er ya need to rememba you're her protector. You'll understand what to do when the time comes.

My advice to you is be there for her like you were for me. Give 'er time and lots of it.' Bunny finished while sitting Romanna's hat on top of my head and pushed me into the room we were standing outside of.

It was Romanna's room and she was happy playing with one of the Elves the had wandered in, curious about their new guest.

I just stood there for a moment watching her smile. She really was a lot more than pretty, she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. It's just so sad she has such a broken heart.

'It that my hat!?' I heard Romie say excitedly at me. 'Umm, yeah. You dropped it, remember? Here' I said as I put the wooden tray down on the end of the bed.

I took the hat off my head and playfully plopped it into her's. 'Perfect fit! It definitely suites you.' I said while watching her giggle at my statement.

'Thanks! Though for a while there, I did enjoy seein ya all country styled. Oooo! Ya got ya hoodie back! Awesome, looks good on you. Hmmm, whats the smell. Oh my.... is that food!? Sorry, you'll find I ramble a lot.'

'Ha ha, don't apologise, I like it.' I said while placing the tray on her lap.

She was about break a muffin in half when she stopped and stared at me.

'What did you say?' Romanna asked.

'Umm... I said don't apologise and that I liked hearing you ramble and talk about things you like.' I replied while giving her my signature smile. 'Why? What's up?' I ask her.

'Oh it's nothing.' She said while looking away from me.

'No, what is it? What were you going to say?' I asked, now very curious.

'Oh, it's just no one has ever said that to me' She said while biting a mouthful of cinnamon the and apple muffin she had broken in half.

'What do you mean?' I asked confused while accepting the other half of the muffin she was offering to share with me.

That was sweet of her. Actually now looking at her plate, she's cut everything in half to share with me. Even the small biscuits. Why did she do that?

Awww, she must have worked out that link would have been making me hungry because she was and so she sharing with me.

'Oh sorry, it's nothin really, don't stress 'bout it'. She said while taking a sip out of the hot chocolate I had tried to make. I'm not good with hot stuff so I'm not sure how it tastes. Though she seems to like it.

'Why are you apologising? What did you do wrong?' I asked with my mouth full of muffin. She rolled her eyes at me, watching me chew and swallow the delicious treat.

'It's just something I do. I obsessively apologise for everything that way if something happens I can never really be hurt by it because I've already said I'm sorry over a hundred times. Also I don't want to accidentally upset or annoy people, so I apologise for that too. Sorry I shouldn't be talkin like this. But it's ok, really! I'm ok, and there's nothin to worry about. I'm sorry if I've done anythin negative to you. I'm sorry I hurt you, I know how much you must hurt at the moment and it all my fault. I'm sorr-' I cut Romanna off by quickly pulling her into a tight hug. The more she talked, the more she became upset. I needed to stop her from stressing and calm her down before she really does blow up.

This is what Bunny meant when he said she needed some one to lean on, some one to hold her and make everything alright.

What the hell did her father do to make her so broken. She sounded like a broken record, repeatedly apologising for meaningless things she didn't do.

It hurts me as much as it hurts her. I pulled her up into my lap, while lightly rocking back and forth, shhing her as she silently sobs in an attempt to sooth her.

This time I'm not going to sugar coat her feelings and make her feel better. She's opening up to me and in order for me to truly help I need to know what happened.

'Romie, please don't cry. I can't help you to stop crying and hurting if I don't know what's causing you pain. I promise whatever you tell me will be 100% secret, between you and me only. Ok?' I told her softly while rubbing her back.

She sniffled loudly and sat upright on, still my lap. Romanna had her hands in her hair, again.

Gosh! She just won't stop touching her fringe. I've worked out what it is now, her hair is a security blanket. Like what little kids have to make themselves feel better when they're scared or sad. But kids grow out of needing that security item quite fast, so why does she still have her's. I can tell it's a new development, caused by the stress she's put herself under. She need something to help ease the pain, yeah I don't blame her. Her head is a jumbled mess.

But she's not going to move forward if she's holding herself back. I am going to help her break that habit of hers and she'll be a lot happier in the long run.

'Romanna, please talk to me.' I said kindly while taking a hold of her fumbling hands and holding them still in her lap. She turned slightly to look at me. We were eye to eye, and she nodded her head. Agreeing to explain.

'Thank you' I said while reaching up and running my thumb across her cheeks, wiping away all of her tears. I then softly brushed her hair behind her ears where it belonged.

'I was born in the city. I spent most of my early years in the city. That to me was home. I had a lovely motha and a lovely fatha. Even a pretty house next a nice school. I had good little friends who lived next door that I would play with. My life was perfect. Until I turned five. I know what you're thinkin, there is no way I can rememba somethin from when I was five years old, well shut up because I can and I wish every day of my life that I couldn't.'


Hello my awesome readers!

Oooo how exciting we are finally getting into the depths of Romanna's past!

Aww Jack you're such a sweetheart! I could just gobble you up!

For those of you who haven't read the Guardians of Childhood book series by William Joyce I suggest you go and read them! They are amazing!!!!!! There are 4 separate books and they are sometimes hard to find in book shops but lucky for modern technology it's available as a download on Kindle for under $10 each.

I'll be making a few references from the books but DON'T WORRY I will not spoil anything! Well, not anything important anyway.

But I will be including random info about the guardians and the man in the moon in my story from what I've read in the books.

Thank you so much for reading and Voting!!!!

Xoxo I'll update really soon!

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