Chapter 10

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"Yes," I agreed, "That one."

I had scarcely said the words when my father came around the corner.

"Kaori? What the hell are you doing here? Is this your new fiancée your mother keeps talking about?"

"Hello, father."

Undertaker seemed to sense the small anxious tone in my voice.

"Hello, sir," He said courteously. "I'm Samuel Fableux."

" Oh, yes... the undertaker." My father said with distaste.

He shook his head as if getting rid of a bad smell.

"Anyway, I thought I had seem you from the dining section. What are you doing in the infants' aisle?"

He questioned, somehow not catching on.

I stopped Undertaker from answering about his precious bump.

"Well, father, since we're getting married, we were thinking about, well, trying."

"Once you're married?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well," He joked, "write me if your mother tries something." He smiled merrily, but I could sense an undercurrent of seriousness in his tone. He and I had lived together under my mother's smothering and nagging with each other. She could be positively vicious, after all.

Sammy caught on quick, wrapping one hand around my shoulder.

"Yessir, we will."

My father walked off.

Undertaker turned to face me seriously.

"So, what're we going to tell him and your mother when you have a baby five months from now?" He said, letting the thought bounce around in his mind.

"Well, hopefully we'll be married soon, and then they can't complain that our child was born out of wedlock."

He frowned.

"Well, dearie, that was before the pregnancy. How are we going to have a nice wedding when you're already exhausted? I figured we'd get married after the baby was born."

I looked shocked.

"What?!? Undertaker, we can't have the baby without being married! Can you even think of how scandalous that would be?!?"

He scowled. "Well, sorry for wanting the perfect wedding!" He shouted, and other couples looked up at his ire.    

Tears sprung to my eyes. This was the first time he'd ever been harsh with me.

He looked instantly regretful of what he said.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that at all. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't cry."

He tried to sooth me, pressing my head into his chest. I pushed him away, heading to the front of the store, not even stopping to look at the various other items he'd been pointing out.

After purchasing the cradle, we walked home in silence.

Undertaker was carrying the heavy thing under his arm, presumably as an excuse not to hold my arm, which he'd been avoiding quite sternly.

Although he'd apologized, I'd gotten the sense he wanted an apology too, one I strongly felt he didn't deserve.
It was nearly time for bed; most of the oil lamps had already been put out, save for the ones in the bathroom and our bedroom.

I had thought about kicking him out of bed; but what good would that do? I'd have to sleep next to him eventually, and it was his house anyways; he could do whatever he wanted.

He pulled the covers back to get in, still not really wanting to speak.

He had begun setting up the cradle in the room next to ours, however. I hoped he was just tired.

I nudged his back gently a few times, rustling the fabric of his night shirt, before I heard a tiny grunt indicating his annoyance.

"Sammy?" I whispered, beginning to push back his curtain of hair before my wrist was grabbed and he shot up.

"What are you doing?!?" He hissed, protectively sliding his hair back into his face.

"I.. Sorry. I just thought I would comfort you a bit."

I won't try it again. Just tell me what's wrong.

He seemed to read my sincerity and opened up, flopping back onto the thick covers as he did.

"My lady.... I'm sorry for my behavior today. I didn't mean to act like that, It just threw me off guard to meet your father. It made me mad that we weren't going to tell him, like our baby was a dreadful secret. I know why you did it, mind. Your mother is a menace. But it still made my blood boil, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry, dearie."

I kissed him softly on the lips, feeling slightly happier as I felt the pressure of him kissing back.

So, he wasn't necessarily mad at you. Just everyone in general, enough to make him reject your touch for a little bit; but it seemed all was forgiven now, as he was plenty affectionate for the time being.

I rubbed his head.

"Goodnight, Sammy." I whispered.

"...Goodnight, (Y/N)."


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