Chapter 4

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I came, everyday, even after my sister's funeral, to bring him lunch.

Each time we went and sat up in that room together, learning about each other.

He wasn't terribly forthcoming with information about his past, but he was an excellent listener.

"Mmm, what'd you bring today?" He asked, licking his lips hungerly at my picnic basket.

I giggled.

"Your favorite," I cooed softly, watching him smile with delight.

"More pea-salad and chips?" He asked, attempting to paw through the bin.

"Hey!!" I said playfully, swatting his hand away. "In a minute. And yes, pea-salad."

He lept up the stairs and rounded the corner to his room far faster than I did.

When I finally arrived, the room was somehow brighter.

"Curtains?" I acknowledged, seeing they were gone.

"Ah, yes, it's washing day," He trilled musically, not looking up as he scooped food onto his plate.


We barely talked during the meal, except for a bit of small talk.

"Well," I said when we were done, "I suppose I should go now."

I got up and dusted my skirt off.

"Do you have to go now?" He asked, a slight sadness in his eyes even though he knew I'd be back tomorrow.

"There's not much for me to stay and do, you know."

" My lady, I would love if you stayed today and helped to greet customers. It would be an honor," He said, kissing my hand as he so often did.

I walked to the stairway.

"I suppose, but where will I stay for the course of the day?" I asked, gently trying to tell him that today wasn't really the best day, as I had tutoring at 1:00.

"Hmm..." He pondered. "What about that lounge right there?" He pointed to a dusty, faded-velvet couch that had been in long disuse.

"I-I'm sorry, I really don't think I can stay."

He frowned.

"My apologies, dearie. It was rude of me to assume that you did not have something else to do today."

"Well, it's just a tutoring lesson. I'm not particularly efficient in the home, you see.."

"I doubt you need it, just given by your excellent food alone."

I giggled and blushed behind my dark-veiled hat.

"Thank you, Undertaker. Speaking-- may I have a name to call you by? I wouldn't ask, but calling you Undertaker all the time just doesn't befit you."

"Hmm. I gave up my name long ago. Would you consider thinking one up for me?"

"Well, I suppose if that's what you want, but what if you don't like it?"

"I will like any name you give me, dearie."

"How about.... Samuel? Samuel Fableux?"

"Perfect, my lady."

Undertaker X Reader: Coffins and TeaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum