Part 3: End

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A/N: I spent way too much time writing the last part of this update. I kept writing things and deleting them all. I never thought it was good enough. Then I realized I shouldn't be so hard on myself, so here it is.
I hope you like it :)

Lance's POV
I wish I was...
I wish I was...
Brave enough to love you
Brave enough, brave enough
Brave enough to love you

I was just sitting there when I got the call from Pidge.

I picked up my phone and answered. "Hey, Pidge. What's up?"

"Keith's back! I thought you would want to say hi."
"Really? I'm on my way."

I got in my car and drove to the Galaxy Garrison. Fortunately, it was only a 10-minute drive.

The ship was already landed by the time I got there. I was so excited to see Keith. All I wanted to do was give him a hug, talk to him. I would honestly be fine with just seeing his face.

I finally got there and saw everyone. Pidge, Hunk, Coran, and Shiro. Then I saw another familiar face.

"Veronica! I forgot that you'd be here!"

"Hi, Lance! It's really good to see you, I missed you so much. I wish you could have come with me to Cuba to visit Abuelita."

"Yeah, me too. But I have to keep the farm under maintenance, heh."

Then Veronica turned her head away to look at something else. I turned my head in the same direction and saw Acxa.

"Acxa! I'm so glad you made it back safe!" Veronica shouted. She then kissed Acxa's cheek.

"Hi Veronica. I missed you too," she said quietly.

"Is something wrong? You seem down," Veronica asked.

Acxa's eyes started glistening. "Keith...he-he got injured. We had a rough landing on Crolovis, and found out that it was all fake...there were no aliens needing help. Then some Galrans who were still loyal to Zarkon shot him in the chest." Some of the tears in her eyes started to slip out. "And-and he's in the healing pod, and I, I just really want him to be okay." She was now full-out crying.

"Oh my goodness..." Veronica whispered. Tears started to form in her eyes too. She then hugged Acxa tight, and kissed her on the forehead. "It's gonna be okay, honey. It has to be."

While Veronica was consoling Acxa, I just stood there, dumbstruck. injured? He's in a healing pod?

The rest of them came over, but I was too much in my head to notice. 

"Lance, are you okay?" Shiro asked. "You have the most horrified look on your face."

"Keith's in a healing pod." I muttered. "You should ask Acxa."

"Lance?" Acxa called. "There's something Keith wanted me to tell you. Just in case he-he didn't make it out alive."

I looked at her.

"He said that he always loved you, ever since your bonding moment. He still does."

The words bounced around my skull, echoing until they became the only thing I could hear.

He always loved me.

He still does.

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