1: Isabelle Arens

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red-love, beauty, courage, and respect

white-purity, youthfulness, and innocence

pink-perfect happiness, appreciation, and grace

light pink- admiration, sympathy, and sweetness

yellow- joy and friendship

orange-fascination, desire, and enthusiasm

peach- appreciation, gratitude, and modesty

lavender- love at first sight and enchantment

blue-unattainable and mysterious

Isabelle's Pov

London, England

The Arens Residence

I feel like a muzzled dog, stuffed into a kennel, surrounded by others' wailing. I'm forced to watch, to listen, but stay quiet. I cannot utter a word, even if that's what I wished most. Muzzled by another's selfishness or by my own fear, I'll never know. Silent and submissive, was I in those days, 'kind' others would say too; however, always said with the words 'easy to manipulate'.

I could start this story at any point in my life, but some people may find my earlier years disengaging, so we'll start here.

It was January, the last day of our winter holiday, when I gathered the courage to ask. My father still lived with us then, he's pigheaded, but still my father. My sister Francis was still figuring things out then, she was only eleven but acted older. Gran was the mother of my father, and had always lived with us.

My father, was Earl William Henry Arens, and that is a story of itself. My father was an earl, a title and position past down throughout his family line, and as his daughter I was known as 'Lady my first name last name ect.' you get the point. My family was without any sons, so naturally my father looked to me, as the eldest, with high expectations; needless to say, he was hard on me.

It was the last day of our winter holiday, early January, I had made up my mind to ask him, and I'm glad now that I did.

Father, Gran, and I were having dinner, since Francis was only eleven she still ate in the nursery. It had been a rather quiet occasion, until I ruined the silence by clearing my throat.

Immediately father looked up at me. "Yes?"

I froze for a second and then straightened myself in the seat. "Well . . . uh . . . I was wo-"

"Isabelle, please, speak up."

I inhaled deeply. "Well, father, I was wondering if you'd allow me to-" I paused, scared of the answer, "To study abroad in Tokyo."

He looked at me blankly. "Isabelle, you know I don't like you being alone, Tokyo is a large city full of dangerous people. You're not going to know anyone, and I'm scared the people you meet may try and hurt you. This here is your home, you're safe here."

He was often like this and the only way to get through to him was to play his own game. "Father, I want to learn about the world. London is a dangerous place too, and I'm alright. I've already found a school working with the foreign exchange program, and Saguru, Saguru Hakuba is already enrolled there. I understand your fears, but I won't be alone, there will be no danger if I play things smart." I paused to read the room. 

Father seemed stoic, as usual. 

Gran, she smiled, her expression trying to say, "Let the girl go, the opportunity is one she may never regret."

He caved in, "The way I see it, I could let you finish the rest of this school year in Japan, or you could wait until next year. Now, it just so happens that I have business over there during March, so perhaps we could postpone your arrival until then so that I may accompany you during the first few days of your stay. The option is yours."

As an illusionist, a detective, and a friend, I had business in march too; however, my father knew nothing of these things, "The rest of this semester will be fine, thank you, this means so much to me."

Father gave the seldom, off-kilter, smile and left the table.

I stood up and excused myself.

There are a lot of things I keep from my father, and gran, it's because they'd never understand, they'd never accept it as a part of me, and Rose Adler is on the top of that list.

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Wednesday, March 2nd

Edoka High, Class 2-B

Saguru's Pov

 I should have have guessed that it'd be a normal morning, in the sense that my plans for the rest of the day would be thrown out the window. I'm not sure why I was even surprised, it happens all the time now, no thanks to Kid.

Aoko walked into the room with Kaito, making the usual b-line to my seat. I don't have siblings but I'm certain the telling of stories and random information I don't want to hear is completely identical to the experience. 

She was grinning ear to ear, clearly today she was more excited about what she had to share. "Hakuba-kun, did you hear?"

I glanced around a tad confused "I suppose it depends on what you're talking about, I hear a number of things everyday." I looked back at her and shrugged my shoulders.

I didn't know and that fact only made her more chipper. "We're having another exchange student." Aoko gave a beaming smile and took the seat in front of me.

Kuroba muttered something along the lines of, "As if we didn't have enough, that makes what, three?" 

"I wonder what they'll be like."

"Smart, nice, rich, they'll be at least one of those," I sighed, closing my book, there was no point in trying to read it now.

"And you know this because?" Kaito let his words trail off in an annoying and sarcastic fashion.

"I've met other exchange students," I replied, pulling out my watch to check the time.

"So which one are you?" Kuroba asked as sensei entered the room.

She centered herself in the front of the room. "Class get to your seats, as many of you have already heard we have a new friend from abroad." She turned her head, looking at the classroom door, it was open.

A girl in a knee length skirt fiddled with the latch to ensure the door closed. She walked up to the black board and wrote a familiar name on it. "My name is Isabelle Arens," she said facing the class."I understand that my name may be complicated for some people so Isa, or Bella will be just fine. "She scanned the room. "I'm from London, and it's my pleasure to be at your acquaintance," she made direct eye contact with me and smiled, "Hello."

"You didn't tell me you were coming to Japan."

Isabelle hadn't changed, not her curly hair, or circle frame glasses, not her freckled face nor petite stature. "You never answer your phone."

Sensei looked at us both "Do you know each other?"

Princess was taken back a little by the remark. "More or less. Family friends," she answered meekly.

Sensei looked over a seating chart, made a few notes in blue ink, and looked back up at Bella. "Well there's an open seat next to Saguru, it's yours if you're willing to take it."

"Yes, thank you ma'am." She bowed and walked back to her new seat. "Been too long Poindexter."

"Indeed it has."

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