6 : Tell me the truth (part 1)

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(27th Feb 2022 : corrected a spelling error , no new content added)


Within a week , you eventually moved on from all the drama that had unfolded over the past couple of weeks regarding the famed Jotaro Kujo , it all became a thing of the past  . It was a lunchtime on a tuesday , you were sat with none other than your best friend Noriaki Kakyoin , chatting and eating .

Nori rolled his eyes . "I feel like it's going to pour with rain later , just look at those clouds ."

"Damn my luck if it does" you cursed , scruching the foil of your previously-wrapped sandwich into a ball and flicking it onto the grass beside your bench . "I'll be soaked ."

"I forgot to tell you , I can't do the walk home at the end of the day . I'm staying back to ctatch up on an art project . I'm really sorry ."

You sighed . "It's fine , Nori . I understand . Good luck ."

"Thanks y/n , you're the best ."

-School bell rings-

You stood up and pulled your timetable out from your pocket . "Chemistry then Biology ." you announced , stuffing the paper away . " You ?"

Nori gazed up in thought . "I have literature and then Japanese ." he looked at you and opened his arms . "Looks like I won't see you until tomorrow ."

You shoved yourself inbetween his arms and squeezed your best friend . He laughed , patting you on the back .

"Laters ?"

"Laters !"


You were sat in Biology class now , your final lesson of the day . The teacher called your name during registration .

"F/n L/n ."

"Here ."

After saying a few more names , the teacher paused for a moment and scanned the classroom before remembering something and marking the register accordingly . "Oh , I forgot Kujo called in sick this morning ."

A feeling in your stomach dropped . There was a common illness going around among students , even your best friend had caught it not that long ago , so Jotaro was bound to be off school for around a week , which meant he'd miss out on the work . You genuinely felt bad for him , knowing Noriaki had it quite tough while he was ill when you checked up on him every day over the phone and heard Nori's usual hearty laughter weakened to faint chuckles and sore coughs , but what could you do ?


At the end of the class , as all the students filtered out of the doors , you urgently approached your teacher's desk at the front of the classroom .

"Sensei , I need a favour."

"How can I help , Miss L/n ?"


As you walked with pace through the neigbhourhood , you felt tiny drops of rain spit down from the grey skies above . You started to run a little , your skirt brushing your knees . Nori was right about the weather after all .

You cursed silently at the falling rain, passing your apartment's building and turning a corner . You continued down that road until you reached the end and took a left and then right turn until you saw a huge traditional Japanese house at the end of the street . There it was . The Kujo House . You felt your heart thudding against your chest as you got nearer .

You approached the gate , not forgetting to close it behind you . The yard was very well-kept , you admired it's neatness and how cared for the place of residence was .

Shyly , you went to the mailbox and opened your bag , taking out some papers , and were about to carefully fit them inside before taking your leave when you heard a cheery woman's voice call out to you :

"Hey there , can I help you with those ?" she asked , cradling a basket of clean laundry while she walked up to you , her blonde ponytail bouncing against her shoulders.

"Oh , thank you ." you replied , placing them on top of the clothes . "It's school stuff for your son , by the way . I'll be going now" you said , bowing politely before you were about to make an exit . The woman kindly placed a hand on your shoulder .

"It's raining , I can't let you go outside in this weather !" the woman told you , guiding you in the direction towards her house . "I'll make you some tea , you can wait in the living room for the rain to calm down ."

"Oh , th-thank you , uh , Mrs Kujo ."

"You can call me Holly or Seiko . And no problem !" she smiled , rubbing your arm fondly . "if you're kind enough to bring extra notes for my son while he's sick , the least I can do is thank you ."


After removing your shoes , you sat down on the carpet in the tea room . Holly shortly came in , balancing a hot cup of chamomile tea on a saucer . She lowered herself and sat next to you . She beamed kindly as you took the cup to your lips , blowing gently on the tea .

"How did you know to come here ?"

"I don't live too far from you" you told her honestly . "So I kind of made my way to where the nearest big houses were ."

"Ah , I see . Jotaro's been ill for the past four days , my poor boy , he's been dealing with nausea and a terrible headache . It's very kind of you to stop by- oh , I didn't catch your name sweetie ."

"It's y/n ."

"Right , y/n , well I doubt he'll want to leave his room so I'll let him know you came by . Gosh , he's hardly eaten and it's almost five o'clock . I should start cooking his dinner" she said to you as she stood up . "If the rain doesn't let up , I'll give you my raincoat . I don't want your parents to start worrying ."

You shrugged , sipping on the chamomile . "I live alone , it's fine . But thank you ."

You could hear a trail of heavy steps against the floors approaching , before the door was slid open , revealing Jotaro Kujo in a green tank top and a black pair of joggers , hat-less and muscular arms all for show . He blinked , looking at you a distance infront of him .

To say you felt butterflies fill your stomach at his presence and your face heat up wouldn't be a lie either . The burly teen remained holding the door open as he stood in the middle of the entrance .

Holly lit up . "I didn't think you'd get up for a while . Y/n was dropping off some school stuff for you but it's raining so I told her to wait until it calmed down . It's in the other room ." Holly said , ruffling her son's dark messy hair with her hand . He simply grunted in response , leaning his back against the nearest wall adjacent to the door , strands of hair hanging in-front of his amazing oceanic eyes as he stared absentmindedly across the room . Holly turned to you . "Y/n , you said you live alone , hm ? You can stay over for dinner , it won't be a problem . Jotaro , you don't mind do you ?"

"Yare yare daze" Jotaro sighed , combing his fingers back through his hair . "Do what you want"

"Alright , that settles it . I'll leave you two to catch up while I get to work" Holly put up a peace sign with her fingers and whisked out the room , leaving you alone with Jotaro in the tea room . The silence between the two of you was shortly broken by him .

"What's wrong ?" Jotaro focused his stare on you , you could feel it . You scrunched the hem of your skirt in your hand .

"Why does it matter ?" you blurted out , standing up . You crossed your arms and faced away from him .

"Tell me the truth now , y/n" he demanded lowly .

Book 1: Envy (Jotaro x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now