3 : be more careful

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It was the end of a different school day . Noriaki wasn't in today , meaning you'd have to do the walk-home without him . You strolled out of the main building , through the courtyard and out of the school gate into the neighbourhood .

The sky was an ugly shade of grey , you thought . Not a cloud in the sky . Not even a bird or a plane . You shook your head , looking at your shoes as you walked .

'So much to think about , so much to think about' you thought to yourself , feeling overwhelmed as you walked on . 'Biology test , Chemistry test , an English assessment , damn Japanese literature-"

Your foot accidentally hit a small rock and you toppled over . You gasped , dropping your bag on the pavement . Your books and pencils and empty lunchbox spilled out all over the floor . Just as you thought your brains would be the next to spill everywhere , your fall to the ground was halted by a large hand on your shoulder , dragging you back onto your feet .

You turned to thank your saviour when you were faced with another shock : Jotaro , out of ALL the people in the world , had watched you trip and stopped you from falling . Slightly panicked and embarassed , you stepped back immediately and crouched down , scooping your belongings back into your school bag . His shadow still lingered over you as you closed your bag . You were flustered .

"Yare yare daze" he said , watching you get off the ground .

"Thanks Kujo , I appreciate it" you said before pacing yourself ahead of him . You were still feeling humiliated from the whole experience , especially considering that you'd never really spoken to him apart from the time you gave him a pen the other day .

Despite your attempt to subtly flee , he caught up with you almost instantly and walked next to you . You glanced at his shoes for a second , avoiding eye contact .

"You should be more careful" he warned you . You weren't sure if you were being mocked right now . "Y/n , I have a question . Where's the redhead ?"

"Noriaki Kakyoin , you mean ? He called in sick , he won't be in for a week " you said , looking down again sadly .

"Oh , I see ." Jotaro said , his voice trailing off as he looked ahead . The walk was quiet for a while until Jotaro raised another question . "Is your house far from here ?"

"It's at the end of the next road . Why ?"

"I'll walk you the rest of the way , I don't live far from here either ."

You paused , again shocked that you were still walking with Jotaro at this point . "It's fine," you began to say , smiling politely . "I've caused you trouble already ."

He raised an eyebrow . "No you haven't ."

You exhaled . "Okay , if you say so ."

As the pair of you continued , you wondered why Jotaro randomly decided to bother with you . You didn't think someone like him would be so ... nice ? He broke your thoughts with more talking .

"You look uneasy . Let me take your bag ."

"I'm okay ."

He sighed . "Tch , I saw how much stuff came out of your bag ."

"I mean , it is heavy but I don't see why you want to carry it ."

"Just stop talking and give me your bag ." he said , sounding impatient .

You gave in . You watched as he swung it over his shoulder . 'I'm surprised he didn't tell me to shut the hell up' you thought to yourself .


Eventually , the two of you stopped outside your apartment . You turned around and smiled politely to appreciate Jotaro .

"Well , thanks for the walk home , Kujo ," you said . "I'll see you tomorrow ."

"Call me Jotaro."

"Ah , okay Jotaro."

You fumbled around in your skirt pocket for your keys and stuck them into door .

"Ugh , it's jammed ." you muttered , struggling to turn the key . Jotaro was still holding your bag . Soon , you were successful . "Oh , it decided to open" you laughed . You turned around . "You can give me my bag now , thanks again ."

Jotaro looked straight at you . "I'm walking you to your door" he stated .


You unlocked your personal front door . Jotaro gave you your bag .

"Thanks again for walking me home ."

"Mm ."

You stepped inside and shut the door , the weight of your bag feeling new in your hands . Jotaro Kujo walked you all the way home . You didn't think things could get more bizarre .

You sunk into your sofa and reached for your telephone, dialling the phone number of your best friend's house :

"What's up , y/n ?"

"How's my super noodle doing ?"

"Ah , this flu is a real pain in the backside , I'm telling you y/n ! How was school ?"

"Oh Noriaki , you won't believe what happened on the way home ."

You heard him (and his soar throat) let out a weak chuckle . "Go on ."

"I tripped over a rock while I was walking home , my stuff literally went flying and Jotaro was behind me ."

"Sucks to be you" your best friend jabbed .

"You can't talk , Noriaki . Oh , there's more ! So he helped me up and walked me to my door . He literally left like a few minutes ago ."

"Kujo walked you home ?"

"That's what I'm saying ! He even carried my bag !"

"Let me get this straight . He helped you , okay that's one thing . He walked you all the way to your front door and carried your bag ?"

"Yes !"

Your best friend burst out laughing . "Oh , y/n . I can't imagine that happening."

"Are you calling me a liar ?"

"Oh no no no , I'm just saying . That's an interesting side of Kujo , seeing that he literally barks at girls for talking to him . Maybe he likes you ."

"There's no way he does ."

"Then why else would he be so nice to you ?"

"Maybe because I gave him my pen a week ago ?"

Noriaki sighed . "y/n , you're an idiot ."

Book 1: Envy (Jotaro x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now