chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?

Start from the beginning

"I wanted talk to you"

"About what?"

"Shawn's father called me today to meet him" camila didn't say anything she just looked at lauren questionably

"to solve the Shawn matter, I am going to meet him tomorrow "

"NO let me talk with my lawyer first, what if he press charges against you?"

"no don't worry, I don't think something will happen he sounded like a very genuine guy, I am sure if I explain to him what happened he will understand"

"what did he say to make him sound so genuine to you"

"well basically he wanted to meet me right? So I explained him I can't as I am injured and after that he asked me so many question about my health and stuff, or I need something, it felt really nice hearing so much care from someone who doesn't have any direct relation with me and most importantly I kind of hurt his son" when Lauren said that something in camila's head clicked.

As much as she understood the relation between Shawn and his non biological father aka mike wasn't going so well, so why is so pressed with what happened in the past and most importantly why does he even care about lauren? Why would he offer so many things for someone who hurt his son?

She felt something was strange but couldn't articulate what

"you good?"


"you seem lost, are you alright?"

"oh yeah sorry I was just thinking, by the way lay down after shower I'll come here" said Camila and lauren nodded, however she wanted to ask her also about the unexpected sad face but she didn't had enough courage to do so she just let it go.


As Mike was waiting in the café where Lauren initially ask him to be, he was growing nervous as the time to meet his daughter was getting closer just like his insecurities, for a moment he thought of leaving but again all this year that's what he is been doing.

After an hour of what they planned Lauren actually showed up when he was about to lose hope.

"I am extremely sorry for the delay, I got caught up arranging few things for my wife birthday and lost track of the time, I thought you already left and thankfully you didn't"

"no worries I also came just few minutes ago" said mike lying to not seem very suspicious, as will be weird waiting for someone that long without a reason.

"ok that's great, what did you wanted to talk about?" asked Lauren sitting down

Mike cursed under his breath because with all the excitement to meet his daughter, he actually forgot the actual reason why they were meeting.

"Huh Shawn he is hurt, you shouldn't have done that"

"I know and I deeply apologise for my mistake but honestly in that situation everything was a mess, and my aner wasn't even direct to your son but his friend who was miss behaving with the waitress, unfortunately your son came between us and hurt in the middle"

"I understand I am very proud that you take stand for others however always try to stay on your because also if your reaction if for a good reason, crime is still a crime"

"I know sir, I have no problem if you'd like to press charges"

"no no don't get me wrong, I am not here to guilt trip or whatever, I am here because I need you do me a favour in exchange of me not pressing charges"

"and what is the favour about?"

"nothing complicated, I know you are a hardworking employ and got a good knowledge in business, I just want you to give me few hours of your time to my company "

"but I am already working for Cabello's"

"I know but I am just asking for few hours until my project is done" Lauren first thought was to refuse but then she remembered that she can't afford any criminal record and top of that she might get paid a good amount and with she will be able to afford a good financial situation for her family and provide Camila whatever she needs or at least try.

"I mean it's something I can consider, am I going to get paid?"

"As much as you'd like" to Mike it was clear, he will do whatever to have Lauren closer and if she also as for few millions he will give it to her.

"What about 3000 per day? "Lauren wanted to push her luck to see if he agrees and by the reaction he gave her, she thought maybe she did push a little to much, because at the end the amount she ask is like 25% of her salary after a month of work and she is asking this for a day, while Mike looked at her like an idiot, he is here ready to give as much as she wants and what is she asking for 3000$ dollar????

"I'll give 10000$ an hour if you agree "Lauren spit out what she was drinking with her eyes widen

"Sir that's way too much for me"

"well it's nothing for me so do we agree?"

"let's agree on 4000$ a day, I can't accept more than that also I am not going give any information about the Cabello's to you"

"done "he wanted to argue but didn't want to push his luck a lot more than he already did.

"BTW now I need to leave, I have few plans to set up for my wife upcoming birthday" Mike already knew Camila was married to Lauren, but It was a marriage that Camila wasn't happy with because obviously she is with Shawn, then why does Lauren's face lit up talking about her?

"you seem very excited about it"

"I AM, this is like a new beginning for me oh also don't tell anyone I am married if they ask, I blurted out of excitement"

"Will do" he said uncertainly as he was confused of the whole dynamic between this three individuals and both left.


sorry in advance it's not edited at all, I am just gonna post as few of you guys are going crazy and I need to write my personal statement so my time is up here.

happy reading 

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