
Start from the beginning

Lethargically you shoved your notebook into your bag as soon as the professor mumbled a begrudgingly "dismissed". Obviously annoyed that barely anyone was listening, not that you cared too much. Once you stood up you wobbled a bit before stabilizing yourself. Maybe you should take a day off..but then again you don't get paid when you take days off, and you really need money. "Don't forget your article analysis are due on Thursday!" Scrunching up your nose in distain you slung the bag around your shoulder and shuffled out of the classroom. You didn't have much to finish for the assignment, but it would still be a pain in the ass.

   Jack is a doctor right? Well an unofficial one but still, maybe he could bring over meds if you asked? You bit your tongue, nah you didn't want to bother him. You'll just suffer in silence for a while.

After a painfully long walk you finally made it to the small GameStop that was apart of the strip mall and stumbled inside gracefully. Kaylee was already there and immediately rolled her eyes at your sorry state. You in response scowled at her, though you really wanted to flip her off, before heading to the back seeing as you were apparently on stocking duty.

The rest of the day was uneventful for the most part. You occasionally dazed out due to the pain in your head only growing, it actually seemed to double from the slight interactions you had with your unbearable coworker. Kaylee kept asking you to fulfill tasks that were her duty, to which you kept refusing—which would only cause her to whine and complain and occasionally drop in a few threats. The threats didn't bother you since you knew she wouldn't be able to take you on, nor would your employer believe her word over yours, but you finally gave in just so she would shut up.

Finally after painstakingly long hours your shift ended, to which you quickly scampered out of the store to avoid being the one to close up. Kaylee noticed that you had gotten your things together quicker and basically glared holes into your head, causing you to smile a bit sadistically before leaving.

As soon as you stepped outside you shivered from the sheer cold and harsh winds pushing against your face. It causes your eyes to squint as you held up an arm to cover yourself. It didn't help that it had started raining, and by the looks of it—it would become a storm soon. Sighing you flipped up the hood of your thin jacket and clutched your bag tight before running up the street cursing out everything in existence for the horrible day. Of course you forgot your umbrella and weren't wearing something heavy, because why would you? The weather forecast never said anything about rain and it had been relatively warm this morning.

To make matters worse the moment you slowed down for a moment, a car sped by. The tires dug into the slippery paved road kicking up water from a nearby puddle, successfully dousing you. For a full minute you stood there, mind blank, shivering. Your hands trembled before they clenched into fists. Biting harder on the inside of your cheek you sucked in air through clenched teeth and shut your eyes as an attempt to prevent tears of frustration. Breathing out shakily you continued on the long trek home, walking a bit slower than you planned to.

   'Please say I still have ice cream in the freezer..'


» "Dorm" «


   Unable to find your one true love, ice cream, in the freezer, you went with the decision to lay on the kitchen floor in pain instead of going out again. At this point your headache had soothed, but you knew better than to celebrate seeing as it would just appear ten times worse in a few minutes.

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