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"I heard that Lianfang-zun kicked out his half-brother for molesting his own sister-in-law..."

"Really? He's lucky that he was kicked out, and not dead like his other half-brothers..."

"Who will you blame? Wei WuXian killed them, leaving Lianfang-zun as the sole heir of Lanling Jin clan after Jin GuangShao..."

"But it's unfortunate that his son died years ago, now they have no heir..."

"He has his remaining orphaned nephew, Jin Ling right? But I heard that kid is unruly..."

Wei MeiLan has been hearing many rumours as she goes out to get some news for night hunts. If her memory serves her right, the person they are discussing is Mo XuanYu, one of the illegitimate sons of Jin GuangShao.

The kid, according to her observations, is a meek child that has no one to rely or to guide him. But him getting casted out of the Jin clan is better than being killed.

She never had the chance to see the kid when he comes to LanLing to check on to Jin Ling, but she hears rumour and slanders to the poor kid. She can't help since she has no right to intervene with the LanLing affairs unless it's Jin Ling.

"Jin Ling got an unruly and unscrupulous young uncle, glad that he was kicked out of the clan," Lan YuXia said. "Rumors is that there is a fierce competition on which should be the head of the Jin, but Lianfang-zun is already the head of the clan, so why spread rumors about that?"

After three weeks of recuperation, Wei MeiLan went back to the Water Valley to resume her peaceful life together with the people she took in and her disciple.

"A'Xia, talking behind other's back is against the rule of your clan, right?" Wei MeiLan said.

"Master, I don't study there anymore."

"But you are no longer my student; you graduated from my tests, right?"

Wei MeiLan threw some random tests on Lan YuXia in which the latter was unaware of until the former came up to her on her previous night hunt, saying that she's already a proper cultivator and that she can do whatever she wants.

After all, Wei MeiLan didn't built a sect for cultivators, but a place for anyone who needs one. Lan YuXia decided to follow her, thus freedom is within her grasp.

But she still attend on Wei MeiLan no matter how the latter chase her out to do something besides serving.

"Master, I might be a proper cultivator according to your standards, but it doesn't mean I will stop learning from you."

Lan YuXia is almost on par with the veterans when it comes to fighting, which made her parents proud of her and her achievements. But she never learned how to make a simple medicine, which Wei MeiLan liked to do a lot.

"I want to learn apothecary, master."

Those words came out of nowhere, shocking Wei MeiLan a lot. Her skills are mediocre, yet someone took interest of it.

"A'Xia, I can teach you the basics, but that's the only thing I can offer."

Three of the younger generations from Water Valley pleaded to Wei MeiLan to teach them how to make pills so that they don't need to spend money outside to buy pills and potions when they can make one and spread it in the Valley.

They also plant herbs and many useful plants, that is beneficial for them. So far, they have a steady progress, so she had some spare time to check the world outside.

Lan XiChen visits from time to time, playing music for her while she trains or make medicine or meditating.

"Wei Qing," Lan XiChen spoke as Lan YuXia put down the tea set in front of them. "You're so heartless with your only disciple."

"A'Xia is a Lan; I can't let her be chained in my place. I can offer her freedom for being my disciple, and what happens next, it will be her decision, but she can't be here forever."

"Are you planning to get a Valley Chief?"

"Of course! The Valley is for people who needs help. I built this place as their sanctuary, so that I can be at ease that once I'm gone, they can continue my legacy."

"Where are you going?"

Wei MeiLan stared at Lan XiChen, "Do you think I have this leisure to roam off somewhere? What I mean to say is,  in case I moved to another place someday, someone can continue what I have started and perhaps teach this to their descendants or their successors. Why do you assume that I'm going away?"

"Because I'll chase you, wherever you go."


Lan YuXia almost choked with the sweet words from ZeWu-Jun thus decided to leave the two alone.

"Your shamelessness is acting up once again, you better go back to Cloud Recesses and do your work."

"It's fine, I intend to visit you and gave you this," Lan XiChen pulled out a token of passage from his spatial bag and put it on her hand. "No one will dare to stop you from entering Cloud Recesses, as this token is not just an ordinary one for passage, it has some privileges."

"I'm fine with just passage, why give me some troublesome things?" The token was carved out of white jade, designed carefully with some talismans etched into it. A pale blue tassel is attached to the token, with a bell on it. "A mind-cleansing bell, huh? It's pretty, thank you."

Lan XiChen smiled warmly. "I'm glad you liked it."

Wei MeiLan put it on her belt, then looked back at Lan XiChen. "I think I have suspicion as to why you added the bell too."

Lan XiChen's smiled grew wider. "What do you mean?"

"With your keen senses, you'll know if I'm coming within the area if you hear the bell, am I right? This is not just a mind-cleansing bell, but it will also tells you if I'm nearby."

Lan XiChen chuckled. "I don't know why you're so sharp when it comes to my intentions but you're always spot on."

"How am I not supposed to know when you're an open book in my sight?"

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