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Baoshan Sanren trudged up to her to hold her chin gently and examine her face. "You look more a lot like her, I know you are aware why I'm here, being clairvoyant at all,"

Wei MeiLan stiffened. "Apologies, grandmother, but I had been trying to block visions—"

"You're sensible than I thought," She interrupted. "I've only saw your mother being like that when she's taking things seriously only. But then again, you're way too serious in everything,"

Wei MeiLan didn't retorted back.

"I guess some things are in order; you're coming with me right now to train you with your sight," Baoshan Sanren announced.

Wei Qing didn't had a time to react when Lan XiChen stopped when he heard those words. "You're leaving?"

Baoshan Sanren turned around to see a fine gentleman that is in shock. "You're partner, little one?"

"Pardon my rudeness, but may I know your name?"

"Lan Huan—"

"I'm Baoshan Sanren,"

"Greetings, esteemed Master! But may I know why you are taking her away?"

Baoshan Sanren smiled beneath the veil. "She's the daughter ofonly, her mother might be gone, I am her only blood relative they have,"

"Wei Qing is one of the top disciples of the Yunmeng Jiang clan, Master. I do hope you take that into consideration and ask her opinion about this,"

Lan XiChen is trying to negotiate with her mother's teacher. It's not because he doesn't want her to leave his side.

It's the fear that if she liked the nomadic and free lifestyle that Baoshan Sanren has, he might not be able to catch her and leave him alone.

The Wei siblings are the most carefree people that everyone knew of, even if Wei Qing is not like her brother who will go anywhere, but she doesn't like to be tied firmly, stuck in a place that she holds no importance.

She will try to get out of it and go away; it doesn't matter where it can be. As long as she's happy, and no one dictates her for unreasonable things.

"I don't need anyone's opinions for that matter," Baoshan Sanren chided. "I'm merely stating what I want. No one can stop me,"

Baoshan Sanren suddenly lashed out to reach for Wei MeiLan, and Lan XiChen instinctively moved to protect her from the former by trying to move the Baoshan Sanren's arm away to reach out.

Sensing the threat, Baoshan Sanren return a move to defend herself from an incoming attack which resulted to an explosion of the room, attracting attention.

Of course, a room exploding randomly is not a normal occurrence in Lanling. Even with the most craziest or insane cultivator wouldn't dare to do that so.

Wei MeiLan sighed in disbelief. She was about to leave the carnage when Baoshan Sanren noticed that she's leaving out to keep distance.

Lan XiChen got overpowered from their exchange of blows and Baoshan Sanren grabbed Wei MeiLan. The latter struggled to get away but for some reason, she was disabled. A wisp of energy wrapped around her to make sure she won't be able to move.

"Powerful but not that enough," Baoshan Sanren commented. "If you have the resolve to take her back, you have sundown to locate us,"

With that, she was casually took away like a candy stolen from the store.

Every cultivator that was passing by and were at the tower witnessed the event that happened there.

Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi rushed to the scene when they heard of the abduction of her.

Even Meng Yao who just left rushed back to see if he can be of assistance, but he came minutes late.

Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang came without bothering that they left their work without anyone attending to.

"Who took her?" That's what Jiang Cheng spoke immediately upon arrival.

Lan XiChen looked defeated. Wei MeiLan was kidnapped under his nose.

"It was our mother's teacher and our grandmother: Baoshan Sanren," Wei Ying spoke.

"Ah, goodness," Meng Yao spoke. "I shouldn't have left the office then. I might have provided some assistance—"

"That's not your fault," Wei Ying interrupted him. "You're needed at the Valley also. This will happen no sooner since she's always busy and no one is around to attend to her. But I never expected that grandmother is still around. Now she's stealing my sister like a candy,"

"What does she want to Mei-jiejie?" Nie Huaisang asked.

"She wants her to become one of her students without asking her opinion," Lan XiChen exasperated. "And I only have sundown to locate them or she'll take her somewhere,"

"Well, why aren't you doing it now?" Wei Ying asked, that made Lan XiChen confused.

"What do you mean? I do not have any slightest idea as to where the esteemed master brought my beloved,"

"You have that hairpin, right? It's embedded with her cultivation powers and a bit of her, uh, soul, use that to trace where she is. If grandmother blocks her spiritual powers, use the soul to trace her. She won't die without fighting back,"

Lan XiChen never expected that the hairpin she gave to him years ago has a real purpose. "Is she expecting that this will happen?"

"I'm not sure, I mean she created one for me also, and I believe she gave it to Lan Zhan recently, and she had asked for mine before the siege. So probably it was a back up? You really cannot what's on her mind unless she open her mouth to speak,"

If Wei WuXian didn't reminded Lan XiChen about the hairpin, he wouldn't know that Wei MeiLan already entrusted her life to him only.

"Do you know the song to trace her?" Lan XiChen asked.

"I don't know, really. You can try your Gusu Lan songs to inquire. If she's playing songs back then, that might help also. So Zewu-jun, I pray that you will be successful for the first step in taking my sister back. Consider this as another mission that will test me how much you love my sister. Please do not disappoint me,"

Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao, and Jiang Cheng agreed at Wei WuXian's declaration.

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