(YN) then heads back to the kitchen as he grabs all the food he can to cook...as he then grabs spoons and a knife...

(YN): Okay, let's get started. If I remember correctly, there was this dish they made...so let's start off with making meat raw then.

And so, (YN) washes his hands as he then started to cook...he started cutting the meat first as he turns on the boiling pot water, after that, he started cutting the meat into pieces as he places it into the boiling water...as he does, he puts seasoning, shredded cheese and butter milk on the boiling hot meat on the pot...after that and waits for it, he puts another pot with water on the stove to boil it and put 5 fresh tomatoes on it, then he grabs two sets of onions and cuts them into pieces...after that, he grabs a pan and fries it up with oil and places the cutting onions on the pan...after done cooking the cut up onions, he then goes after the tomatoes as they were ready to be peeled off...after that, he cuts them in half as well, putting them on the cut up onions together on the pan...afterwards, he goes back to the pan, and puts 3 scoops of different types of powder food for the taste of the meat, and mixes them until it's ready...afterwards, he puts the 3 different powder food onto the boiled meat, alongside with the cut up tomatoes and onions as he stirs it up and leaves it boiling for an hour. As he waits, he then grabs two bags of rices as he washes them with a bowl, and then placing them onto the frying pan and cola it up as they were ready...after the rice were good enough, he then started to make them into rice balls. As soon he was done making some rice balls, he checks up the meat as he can smell it and was good enough to eat it...
And so...after hours of cooking...he sets some plates for Tohru and them to enjoy his food...and he seat one special plate for Kobayashi on the table as well...as he was finished seething up the food on the table..he then walks over to the sofa, sat down and takes a break...

(YN): Phew. Who would thought it can be tiring. But I manage to finish. And set one special plate for Kobayashi...hopefully she accepts it as my favorite in return. *Yawns* ...Man, might as well take a nap....just...a bit...

(YN) had his arms crossed...as he then shuts his eyes and gets some sleep...


More Hours later...it was night already...as Kobayashi, Tohru, Ilulu and Kanna manage to arrive home, Kobayashi had to pick up Kanna from Saikawa's home after finishing up a group study they had and Ilulu as well from Taketo's grandma's store candy. As they arrive...they all realize to see the plates (YN) has made...

Ilulu: Woah! What is this??! It smells really good!

Kanna: Really wicked as well.

Tohru: This food...it's been cooked. And...smells really great as well.

Kobayashi: Did...Did (YN) cook food?? And left some plates here for us??

She then looks and realizes to see (YN) sleeping still...as she starts to realize that he was home, all day, cooking, for not just for Tohru and the others...but for her as well...soon, Kanna and Ilulu both tasted the food...as the two open their eyes wide with such surprise looo on their faces, as their eyes sparkle with joy...

Kanna/Ilulu: So good!!!!

Kobayashi: Eh?

Tohru: What??? You mean you like the food he made??? There's no way he cooked!

Ilulu: Well who else could it be?? He was the only one here home, and he has to cook this food! And if he did, it's so delicious!

Kanna: Really delicious!

Kobayashi: Is it...really that good??

Kobayashi then realizes a special plate for her, that obviously has her name on it written with (YN)'s shape claws on a paper...as she then grabs a fork, takes, a bite...and yet...to taste the deliciousness food...

Dragon Maid Presents: Kobayashi x Male Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now