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"Do you want to get out of here?" Niki whispered. Her warm breath tickled December's ear as her hand wrapped around his waist, her fingers tracing his body.

December leaned in to her. The rush of alcohol through his mind made him feel like he was on fire. He hadn't drank over the summer, so his tolerance wasn't close to where it had been. He'd gone way too hard at this party. The pre-drinks he and Nate had before weren't doing him any favors, either.

"Where do you want to go?" It was easy to forget they weren't the only two in the clearing. Only the quiet snips of conversation and muted laughter over the roar and pop of the dying flames reminded him a few others were still there. It was getting late.

He heard Aurora's voice ringing through the clearing like a song. Her laughter became one with the fire as she talked with one of his other classmates.

Aurora had only talked to him for a minute tonight—to ask him something about Luca. A bitter taste clung to his tongue, and a sting burned in his chest thinking about her. Part of him wished she'd talked to him longer, but the sober part of him knew it was for the better that she hadn't.

Niki's hand trailed down his arm, her fingers delicately dancing over his palm before she intertwined them with his. "I want to take you on an adventure, December," she said. "Let me lead you."

She tightened her grip, drawing him away from the fire. Even drunk, he could have made it without holding her hand, but physical contact always comforted him. He gripped her hand and leaned in to her, letting their shoulders press against each other. This was what he needed.

A breath of cool wind gasped past them, pulling at the thin fabric of December's windbreaker. Away from the fire, the night bit with a surprising chill. The memories from that morning—the noise he heard in the forest—crawled back into his mind. He'd been trying to push those thoughts away all night, but for some reason, they kept snaking their way back.

It was just an animal, right? It was nothing.

He needed to distract himself. From that, and thinking about Aurora.

"What are you thinking about, Niki?" He nuzzled his head into her shoulder, placing a soft kiss on the ridge of her collar bone. She smelled like fresh strawberries and honey.

"You." She squeezed his hand.

"I didn't think you liked me," December teased. "Aurora is your best friend, isn't she? What would she think?"

Niki was quiet for a second. December bit his tongue. Why had he brought Aurora up? He'd meant it as a joke, right? Had he upset her?

"Aurora doesn't have to know everything," Niki finally said. "She isn't my keeper." She squeezed his hand tighter. "I've wanted you for so long, December."

Another gust of wind rushed through the forest, making the trees moan. Niki quivered as she pressed into him, shielding her face against his shoulder.

"Cold?" he asked.

"I'm okay," she replied.

"Here." He paused and shrugged out of his windbreaker and placed it over her. Then, he wrapped his arm around her narrow shoulders, pulling her in to him. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

December's MoonWhere stories live. Discover now