Chapter 4: Training

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Author: Ok! So this chapter will have training of Mineta. It seemed like the idea of Mineta changing was well received.

Izuku and Mineta stood in front of both Aizawa and Nezu. The Principal of U.A had called both students and their teacher into his office to discuss what transpired down at the field.

Nezu: Well this certainly is interesting! Allow me to get this straight. Izuku, you plan on training Mineta to break him out of a habit formed from many years of it being left unchecked, at the cost of your possible expelling?

Izuku: That's right, Principal Nezu.

Nezu: I see. Aizawa, you gave Izuku the green light to follow through with this?

Aizawa: I did. Izuku is putting his future on the line to help someone who suffered just as he had.

Nezu: And Mineta, how do you feel about this?

Mineta: I...I feel like I don't deserve it. I can't control my impulses but no one has ever tried to help me before. I want to change...

Mineta answers truthfully, eyes looking downwards. Nezu grins and clasped his paws together.

Nezu: Ok! I've decided to allow this! Izuku. You and Mineta are exempted from participating in any usual Heroics training and classes. This will further allow you more time to help Mineta here improve and change.

Izuku: Principal Nezu, are you certain this is alright?

Nezu: Of course! If Young Miyazawa wishes to join in these training sessions as well, I will allow it.

The mammal then turned his head to face Mineta.

Nezu: Mineta. I do not know what you had gone through but believe me when I say that Izuku here will train you right. You can be honest, truthful and tell him anything. He is not one to judge someone's unfortunate past.

Izuku: Thank you, Principal Nezu.

Mineta bowed his head, trying to fight back tears of joy at being given the chance to change.

Nezu: Aizawa, I want you to relay to the class about this arrangement so no questions will arise.

Aizawa: Got it.

Nezu: Good! Now, you three can go back to what you're doing.

The trio left with Aizawa turning around to head back to the teacher's lounge.

Mineta and Izuku turned to head towards the entrance of the school, getting greeted by Kenji.

Kenji: Izuku! Minoru! So what did Nezu say?

The blonde asked curiously as the three of them began leaving campus.

Izuku: Well, Nezu is allowing Mineta and I to not join in on heroics classes to allow me to focus on training Mineta.

Mineta: He also said you could join us, Miyazawa.

Kenji: That's great! And Minoru, call me Kenji! We're friends now as we're on first-name bases!

Mineta stammered slightly before bowing his head.

Mineta: R-Right!

Izuku: Alright. Mineta, contact your parents and inform them that you will be staying the night at my place.

Mineta: Eh...?

Izuku: Training starts now. We have no time to waste. But do not worry, we'll be starting off light with simplistic body toning exercises.

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