Vixion Warfare: Chapter 22

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The Memphiles Cult in the Caves was a Swathing Hubble of Evil and Fearsome Unknown. there were three groups of Memphiles. well, really two groups. So.... 6 of them. They consisted of Rachella, a Devious Memphiles with a Frill over her neck and Purple Hair. There was a Redheaded  Memphiles with the Disguise as a Human; a Martial Artist with a skill of the sword, too. There was Diamond Tella, who had a Gas mask and red Frilly hair, who was a skilled Magic master. there were the others, like Hectom the Memphiles with an ambiguous gender, lastly, there was a Memphiles Woman who was named Sauzey... who could manipulate things with her mind, like the very balance of matter  who could have been the Most powerful Leader in their Cult! oh, yeah. and there was a Robot. Named K-Dokk, who was probably created by the same company that made A-Ross himself! but people often times called him Ketchy.  They were watching TV in their cave, wasting  all the time just looking for something to do. They all saw the Reports on Theromutes fighting for their rights on TV... their TV was not in propper shape. it was statticy and always glitched. and it always drove everyone in the Cave mad. "I'm bored!" said Tella. "Why can't we just go out and destroy whatever comes our path!?"  The redheaded Martial Artist was Meditating... "there must be no time to wait for  battle.... only those who choose to exist without suffering are those who wish to Desire."

The Robot, K-Dokk, came over with an angry look on his face. an almost sour look. so sour he could feel it. like it was a Zit in his mind, Driving him mad. K-Dokk had been Getting Wasted on Electrocution all morning. "I've got an idea, let's go start a Small Business selling Fine China, and let people think it's all Frisbees! about this...?" "Ketch, if this is your idea of getting an opportunity to strut your stuff just because you're a robot...I suggest you start considering some sort of Dismounting off your high Mucaped!" right in the middle of the sentence, there was an almost lightbulb-esque moment of sparking an idea in one's head. Rachella turned around and yelled "THAT'S IT! BY GARGE WE'VE GOT IT!" "Say what?" "yeah, Rache, what have we got?" asked K-Dokk, now starting to wonder a bit as to why this was becoming some sort of odd "Call to Disaster" sort of moment.

"We'll just need some sort of weird concoction to bring upon the world, let's start with a Television Show Episode Script from Beyond Damnation, an absorbent amount of printed sheets of Internet Troll Ramblings, A Lock of [  D O N A L D    T   R   U  M  P  ]'S Hair, And finally, the Fungus in the Cave's Stalactites and as well as some fabric from the couch!" "What in the hell is this?!" she took all these things she mentioned and put into a giant Pot, put it on Broiler, took a ceramic wok and started mixing! "what's up, Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas? tryin' ta poison your crippled dad again, hahahahah that's hilarious, that is so typical Rachella.... what are you even doing anyway? Dude, I accept a woman who does Witch Craft, but-!" Rachella grabbed the Martial Artist by the nuts, and twisted it. 

"don't bother me, I need to do what I just got inspired to do!" "what's that?" asked K-Dokk ...."be the next Granny WeatherWax?" 

Note: if you read Discworld, congrats. you can now hang your head in shame.

she started to stir and whip 10 times, until finally there was a smoke coming out of the Pot. it was a smoke smelling like Death. Like as if this New thing in this world.....was Evil that could not be sealed into any closed space. but then after letting the pot of this concoction cool for ten minutes... K-Dokk looked at it and sensed a Presence unlike any he'd ever calculated but even so, he saw it when no other life form could! his interface read it as "SPECIMEN IDENTITFYED AS: PARASITE! PARASITE SPECIES: UNKNOWN"

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