Does This Hurt?

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When I awoke, Blue was gone and the bed was cold in his place. I stretched, still slightly sore from the night before, then went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. Once I finished with my shower, I got dressed in a dark blue v-neck, black zip up hoodie, and ripped skinny jeans. I walked down to the kitchen, but froze in my tracks when I heard some male voices. I could make out Blue, LJ, and Toby's voices. "So how was it?" LJ giggled.

"It was good. I just can't remember if we used protection..." I felt my heart skip a beat at what Blue had answered. We did, didn't we? I began fiddling with my hoodie sleeve in slight worry. I couldn't remember either...but I'm sure we are fine, right? I shook my head and made my presence known.

"Hey guys." I muttered quietly. THey all whipped their heads to face my direction causing me to wave nervously. "Just looking for something to drink.." I quickly made my way to the refrigerator and gathered one of my jars. After a glum silence surrounding the room while I warmed my drink up, I quickly gathered the jar from the microwave and took off for Jane's room. I didn't even bother knocking when I approached her door. "Jane!"

She looked up at me shocked by my demeanor. "Phee! Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. I nodded glumly. She sighed and patted the spot next to her on her bed. "What's the matter?"

"I just overheard the guys.." She nodded for me to continue. "Blue said that there may not have been protection!" I blurted.

"You mean as in–?" Her eyes widened in surprise. I nodded, a small growl escaped my lips.

"Yes Jane, as in no condom!" I was beginning to hyperventilate. She patted my shoulder comfortingly. "I can't!" She nodded slowly.

"We just have to wait but I'm sure you two are fine. Don't freak out." I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her. "Now go rest a little and please drink your 'special juice' somewhere other than my room! I love you but I hate that." She chuckled as she pointed at the jar that was still present in my hand. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully but left her room feeling slightly better.

I walked into my bedroom to find Blue sitting on his bed. "Hey Blue." He turned to face me as he carefully removed his mask. I locked the door, knowing the extra security made him feel better.

"How are you?" He questioned. His voice was timid sounding. I gave a small nod while I took a sip from my jar. He sniffed the air then looked at the jar then my face with his eyebrow raised.

"I have to drink this every couple of days to calm that side of me." He gave a nod in understanding.

"You didn't get hurt too badly last night, right?" He questioned as he stood up and moved closer to me. I shook my head in confusion. He gingerly took the jar from my hand, placed it on the desk, then led me to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror. Looking deeper at my reflection, I saw the bite marks and bruising on my neck. He pulled my shirt up and there were fingerprints bruised onto my skin just above my hips. I giggled, causing him to look at me skeptically.

"I'm willing to bet that you have marks too." He shook his head at me causing me to smirk and circle my finger in the air in order for him to turn around. He obliged and I lifted his hoodie up so that his back was completely exposed. Sure enough, there were deep claw marks covering his back. He glanced back into the mirror, his eyes widening in shock.

"Wha-How?" He turned towards me. I shrugged slightly while hopping up onto the bathroom counter.

"You aren't the only type like that. I promise, I will be fine and so will you." I pulled him closer to me and he positioned himself so that he was standing between my legs as I kissed him lightly. Yeah, we will be just fine.

He smiled as he returned the kiss and his hands slid up my thighs. I ran my fingers through his hair as he lightly bit my lower lip. I grinned and then he left trails of kisses down my neck, softly sucking on my sweet spot causing a quiet moan to escape my lips. He chuckled, his breath tickling my skin.

"I love you.." He murmured against the skin just above my collarbone. I lifted his chin as I smiled at him.

(A/N: Bit more of the implied Mature content. Just wanted to let you know)

"I love you too, Blue." He smirked and lifted me with ease then carried me back to his bed. I giggled as he dropped me onto the soft mattress. Within moments he was crawling on top of me, our clothes once again scattered across the room.

His Crazy (Eyeless Jack X Seraphina)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora