I Can't

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A/N: The picture above is to represent Seraphina's eyes. Thanks and Much luv!


He was looking around everywhere when his gaze stopped on the stuffed cat resting on my bed. Seeing his mask shift slightly, I began to grow angry. His smile faltered slightly.

"Do you have a problem with my items?" I glared as he gave a small shake of his head. "Why don't you talk? They didn't slice out your vocal chords."

"I'm sorry..." His voice seemed rough as the black ooze seeped through the eye holes in his mask. I sighed heavily, regret flooding through my chest. "It's just all new to me. I don't know what to say.." I gave a small nod in acknowledgement.

"I sometimes forget what it was like when I first came too after my attack." My voice was softer as I spoke this time. He faced my direction in confusion at my words. I chuckled darkly. "I was 12 when I found some books. I was 13 by the time the takeover was complete. The first experience of the hunger that followed and the rage, scared the living shit out of me." Another chuckle escapes my lips then a frown settles onto my face. "The stuffed animal was from my dad. My family were good people. I don't know whatever happened to them because when I first was learning of the new 'me' I attacked my father. I fled in order to keep them safe." I sighed, taking a seat on my bed, patting the spot next to me.

Blue took a seat but kept plenty of distance between us which caused the frown to deepen. "I'm sorry..." His voice was soft and raspy as he folded his hands in his lap. I gave a small nod. "How old are you now? How long have you been here?"

"Slendy found me when I was 15. I'm 21 now. He does keep an eye out for my family so I know that they are safe. I just worry if I know where they are or if they need help, that I could actually end up putting them in more danger." I looked at him then sighed softly, reaching my hand out towards his mask. He quickly grabbed my wrist causing me to pause in my actions.

"Don't..." He wasn't threatening, just saddened. I made him look up from the floor towards my face. I gestured around the room.

"In here, in this room, you don't ever have to hide who you are." He shook his head quickly, checking that his mask was secure. "I've already seen it. Your face, I mean." I mumbled. He tilted his head slightly. "I-I-I'm sorry....I have to go...." I quickly opened the bedroom door and ran. He remained seated on the edge of the bed, confusion evident in his body language. I crashed in front of Slendy's door, banging on it quickly. Growing impatient, I finally heard his telepathic voice echo.

Come in my child. I swung the door open, quickly closing it behind me. He raised a metaphorical eyebrow towards my direction as I began pacing in front of his desk, mumbling to myself. Did you get into it with Jeffrey or BEN again? He questioned. I quickly shook my head. Then what is it, my child? I groaned and plopped my body down into the chair facing his desk.

"He can't know...He can't...We can't tell him that I was too late to save him from this fate! If the mission hadn't been messed up, I-I-" Slendy held up a hand as the blood began falling from my eyes again.

Are you worried that he will hate you or blame you for everything? I gave a weak nod. Slendy shook his head. Give him a couple of days but don't hide it from him. Everything will be okay. I stared at him disbelievingly.

"And if it's not?" I question as my chest rises and falls quickly.

We shall see then. Now go get Jack and take him with you for a hunt. He waved his hand as a way of dismissal. I growled quietly, exiting Slendy's office.

"Hey Phee, your boyfriend was looking for you." BEN called out mockingly. I tackled him to the ground, punching his face. The noise caused everyone to rush into the TV room to watch the fight. Among them was none other than Blue. Liu had taken Sally out of the house for a bit due to Slendy's orders, so I was grateful for that. BEN began whining as I kept throwing my fist at his face.

"Seraphina?" A deep, slightly stern voice questioned from the crowd. My body tensed slightly only for a moment before my knuckles made impact again. "Seraphina! Stop it!" My arm froze in mid-air as my eyes slowly made their way up to meet with the voids hiding behind a blue mask. Everyone in the room was watching us as I slowly released BEN's shirt collar, standing to my feet.

LJ looked between us with a worried expression but Jack never faltered. "What did you just say?" I growled. He took a step closer.

"I said to stop hitting him. I'm hungry." He shrugged nonchalantly. I growled as I glared at him. After calming down just slightly, I gripped his wrist tightly and pulled him out of the cabin. He obediently followed me out into the woods. After many minutes of silence, Blue spoke again. "I'm sorry.." His voice was just louder than a whisper and I simply growled in response.

Whipping around to face him, my long blue-black hair slashing through the air, I growled, "Never, and I mean NEVER, get in my way when I'm like that!" It was a warning. I couldn't always contain when my rage got to me. He scoffed in response causing my eyes to darken. "I fucking mean it!" My voice deepened slightly as the whole of my eyes turned black and I could feel the blood beginning to drip down my cheeks. Blue seemed to notice the changes and took a cautionary step backwards away from me. I heaved a heavy sigh, turning away from him. I continued walking while listening.

I heard his heartbeat begin to decline back to his normal pace and his feet walking quietly over the fallen leaves. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into my palms in order to calm myself. We exited the forest and quickly found the house Slendy told me to find. I listened closely to the three heartbeats coming from the house. I turned to find Blue standing closely. I whispered, "Three people, upstairs. Remember to grab some food." I watched him closely as he gave a small nod. I rolled my eyes, and pulled out a bag for him to use, handing him his scalpel that Slendy had gathered for him. I went to make my way to the window when I felt his hand reach out, gripping my elbow. I glanced back at him.

"Thanks..." He whispered. I gave a nod. The mission went fairly well with a minor hiccup. The teenager decided to fight back causing Blue to be a bit messy. He gathered up the kidneys from all of the bodies while he noticed the throats slit on the parents. On the walk back to the cabin, he paused. "Why did you bleed them out?" I froze in my tracks at his question. I shook my head in fear of what to say. You eat kidneys, I need blood...Yeah because that will work out so wonderfully. I rolled my eyes at my inner thoughts.

"I just did. Don't ask again...please." I mumbled. He gave a small nod then followed me through the large, wooden front door. Jeff's knife whizzed by my face and with a thump, stuck into the wall.

 I growled and snatched the knife up, turning in Jeff's direction. "Are you missing your girlfriend, Jeffrey?" My voice growled as I began to shift again. Jeff's body language showed slight worry. "Tsk, tsk Jeffrey. If you wanted to play, you only had to ask." My laugh came out deep and demonic. Before Jeff could run, I threw the knife back, slicing his arm.

"It was meant for the new guy! I just wanted to see what kind of proxy he would be!" Jeff attempted to explain but the explanation made me angrier. I growled, running at him, dropping the bag with my jars of blood by Blue's feet. I pounced on Jeff and began lashing out at him.

"That makes it worse Jeffrey! You know why!" I was so distracted at pinning Jeff to the floor that I didn't notice Blue picking up my bag with the jars. He examined them closely then with one jar still in his hand, he walked over to the two of us still fighting.

"Seraphina?" I froze at the questioning in his deep, stern voice. Jeff smirked while looking between my face and Blue who was standing behind us. "Seraphina...why do you have this?" My eyes began to bleed more in the panic erupting from my chest outward.

I jumped off of Jeff, then quickly out the window, running as fast as I could while my emotions turned the air around me frigid. 

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