What exactly is This?

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I could feel his gaze watching me but I made sure not to turn around. I was embarrassed and I didn't like the way that made me feel. I sighed as I walked into my art room and took a seat at the piano. I closed my eyes as my fingers ran along the monochrome keys before beginning to play a sad melody. I was so zoned out on the song I was playing that I never heard the three sets of footsteps enter into the room. As I finished playing the melody, I heard two sets of claps causing me to startle and look towards the doorway. Standing there was Blue, Liu, and LJ. Blue was just staring at me while the other two males were still clapping.

"I miss hearing you play, Phee." Liu said quietly. I gave a small nod while a light blush rushed to my cheeks. Blue began exploring my special sanctuary causing me to watch him closely. His fingers ran along the instruments and my eyes darted towards Liu and LJ at the door as Blue moved closer to my painted canvases. They smiled and quickly left, causing me to let out a low growl. Consequently, Blue turned towards my direction then looked to where I was staring. When he noticed they were gone, I saw him shift his mask over to the side of his head so I could see his face. He then turned back towards the canvases and froze in his tracks. There was a painting of him as a human in the school library reading a book, one of him as a human with his friends, and one of when I first saw him after he had changed.

He moved closer in order to examine them better then turned facing my direction. I held my breath in preparation for hearing all types of negative responses, some of which including that I was a stalker. He tilted his head obviously thinking about something. "You really were there.." I felt my body tense while I gave a small nod. "I always thought I was being watched..." He muttered to himself as he ran his fingers through his messy, brown locks. I chewed on my lip nervously and dropped my eyes to the floor. "So how did you even notice me out of everyone on campus?"

"I was on a mission the first time, the time you were in the library that night." I answered quietly. I jumped slightly when I felt his cool hand touch my cheek. I forgot how silently he could move.

"Why don't you ever want to look at me?" I slowly peeked up into his 'eyes' while fidgeting with my fingers.

"I have had a...a rough past..." I stumbled over my choice of words. I panicked at his sudden movements as he quickly pulled me into a hug. I relaxed at the warmth I felt from him while in his arms.

"It's okay. You can tell me about it if you want but you don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable." I nodded as I wrapped my arms loosely around his waist in an attempt to return the hug. He held me close for a couple minutes longer before reluctantly pulling away and slipping his mask back in place. Sally burst through the door.

"Phee Phee!" I looked up at her to see she was crying.

"What's wrong Sally?" I went into sudden panic as I took in her worried expression. I quickly made my way over to her.

"Sully and Jeff...they-they won't stop.." She cried harder. I growled then gave her a hug before leading her to Blue.

"Yo Blue, keep her safe for me." My voice was already growing darker and when he went to object, I growled deeply. He sighed as he reluctantly agreed. I took off to where I could hear the commotion of the two brothers.

"This was all because of your stupid antics!" Sully roared at Jeff. I burst through into the living room to see everyone else just watching. I ran past LJ and glared at him with black eyes when he tried to stop me. I got to the brothers, punching Jeff off of Sully and growled at Sully when he jumped up trying to go after Jeff again. "Why are you defending him?! I thought you would want him dead for what he did to that guy!" Sully lunged towards Jeff again who was cowering behind me. I hit Sully hard enough in the chest that he flew back a few feet.

"I don't care what he did! You're scaring Sally!" I growled into Sully's face. He shrunk back at the mention of the fear he was causing the little girl in a pink dress. He gave a weak nod and mumbled an apology then his eyes darted to my reopened wounds on my arm and hand.

"I-I'm sorry Phee..." I could tell that it was Liu again and sighed sadly giving a small nod. "You're-You're bleeding again..." Again, I nodded and then noticed Sally hiding behind Blue. I walked over to the little girl and gently smoothed out her wavy hair.

"You're safe Sally. I will always do my best to make sure of that." She gave a small nod with a frown still evident on her face.

"But now you're hurt too..." Her voice was just above a whisper. I gave her a comforting smile while pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'll be okay. I promise. Besides, Blue's patched me up before. I'm sure if we ask nicely enough, he may be willing to do it again." She nodded quickly before whipping around to face Blue.

"Mr. Jack?" He was slightly taken aback but nodded for her to continue. "Will you please doctor Phee Phee again? She's really sorry about making it happen again.." I dropped my head in an attempt to not laugh at the little girl but looked up in shock when Blue's voice came out loud and clear.

"I think I can do that. But I hope she calms down enough to actually let them heal this time." My head popped up so that I was staring up at his blue mask. He held out his hand to help me up, which I gratefully took in order to stand back up but was surprised when he wouldn't let go of my hand. He led me back into that medical lab which instinctively caused me to tense up. "I'm just going to treat your injuries. I'm not going to hurt you." I nodded cautiously as he led us into the lab, closing the metal door behind us and locked the door.

His Crazy (Eyeless Jack X Seraphina)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin