The Meltdown

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Phee's POV

"How could I have been so stupid? I shouldn't have let go like that! He's going to hate me! Gah, stupid, stupid girl!" I muttered to myself while hitting my forehead. I heard a heartbeat in the room causing me to notice my surroundings for the first time. I felt my heart begin racing as I took in the medical room. "What the f*ck!? I'm gonna kill him, I swear!"

"Kill who?" I whipped my head around to meet the black holes hidden behind the blue mask. I jumped, falling off of the metal table, taking something soft to the ground with me. I held it up and noticed that it was a black hoodie then looking at Blue Mask, I noticed he was no longer wearing his. I stood up and held the jacket out towards his direction. He gratefully took it, turning so that he could put the hoodie back on and make sure his mask was secure.

"Sorry, I used to spend a lot of time in this room." I shrugged and walked towards the door waiting for him. I noticed the soreness in my arm, abdomen, and leg. I also noticed the lack of pants. I looked back towards Blue. "Yo Blue, did you do these bandages?" He nodded, refusing to look at me. I smirked slightly. "Nice job!" I patted his arm then opened the door that led out into the hall. Two males came crashing in causing me to laugh and jump out of surprise.

"Ow! Get off me ya monochrome clown!" Apparently Sully was back out and judging by the look he gave LJ, I'm going to assume that LJ annoyed the living hell out of him. The two stood up getting ready to flip out. "Were you just gonna leave her in here by herself? Don't you know about this damn room?" Sully flipped out then took in his surroundings, slowly turning to face me. I crossed my arms across my chest and put my weight on one leg while cocking an eyebrow up towards the ceiling. "Oh, hey Phee.." He let out a nervous chuckle while rubbing the back of his neck. "Didn't see ya there."

"Obviously." I stated simply then grabbed hold of Blue's hoodie where his chest was and dragged him out of the room just in time for LJ to smack Sully in the back of the head and the two began rolling around, fighting.

I stopped at the door to the room we shared and I went to my dresser to pull out some new jeans. "Can we talk?" His voice was quiet and I sighed softly. I gave a small nod and sat on my bed. "Why did you panic when you woke up in that room?" He sat on the opposite side of my bed, looking down at his hands.

"We had another doctor that used to stay here and sometimes he would encourage fights so that I would end up in there. He liked seeing what triggered the other side of me and he also created that liquid that LJ has had to use on me." I whispered. I know he heard me though because his weight caused the bed to shift slightly as he turned to face my direction.

"What did you mean when you were yelling at me in the woods?" I felt my body tense and liquid began sliding down my cheeks. I was afraid he would bring that up. I shook my head sheepishly and flinched slightly when I sensed his anger rising. "Tell me." He demanded.

"I saw you on one of my hunts. You were in the library, focused on whatever book you were reading. I was curious by you. You were the quiet one out of your group and there was something special. Then you met her!" I felt the hurt and anger rising in my chest as my voice grew darker. I faced him causing him to lean back slightly. "I just wanted you to stay safe. If that damn hunt hadn't gotten messed up I could have found a way to keep you away from her! You wouldn't have to live like this!" I began shaking and my eyes were growing darker by the second. I looked at him worriedly, "You need to go! Run!" I growled at him and flung myself into the bathroom attached to the room. I slammed and locked the door as I began to lose control again. I could hear his heartbeat growing closer to the door.

"Seraphina, I'm sorry but I'm not leaving." I growled, and with a punch towards my reflection the mirror shattered, my hand slicing open with it. "Seraphina! Let me in!" He frantically pounded on the door and shook the knob.

"I told you to F*CKING run!" I growled, clawing the door. Footsteps came rushing into the room then came the splintering of wood. I had already managed to beat the hell out of everything in the bathroom by the time I could see Blue chopping the door down with one of Toby's hatchets. I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom, furthest away from the door, fully transformed and growling while clutching my bleeding hand. Blue noticed the room and my injured body and hacked at the door even faster until he could break through completely. I growled as he approached.

"I know you don't want to hurt me." He spoke calmly though his heart was still beating rapidly. I growled in response.

"You don't know shit!" My voice was dark and raspy. He simply shook his head glancing behind him to make sure no one was in the room now. Once he felt it was all clear, he removed his mask. His actions surprised me, causing me to stare at him.

"I know you don't want to." He repeated. He moved closer to me after setting his mask on the floor. "I know you wanted to save me." I watched him closely and cautiously. "You still want to save me. I appreciate it but if you had saved me, I would have never met you." I creased my brows at him. He moved to where he could reach out and touch me but I pulled further towards the wall behind me with a growl. "Am I wrong?" He smirked slightly then turned serious again. "You've opened your stitches and injured your hand. Let me see it." He held out his hand, patiently waiting.

I growled quietly but hesitantly placed my injured hand into his open palm. He was examining it closely while I watched him. The black tar liquid was flowing down his cheeks as if he had been crying and his brow was creased in concentration. He pulled out a first aid kit and carefully wrapped my hand then reached towards the hem of my shirt causing me to snap out of my daze. He looked into my eyes, "I need to check the stitches on your stomach." I turned my gaze away from his and nodded slightly in order to give him permission. He tsked when he pulled the bandage off. I tensed when I felt him lift me bridal style in his arms. "I know you don't like that room but I need to redo these stitches."

I looked up to see the blue mask somehow back in place, covering his face. I frowned both because of that stupid mask and also because that awful room with even more awful memories. I hid my face in my hands as my features slowly began to return to normal. He quickly walked into the lab and fixed my stitches and replaced the bandage. I couldn't bring myself to look at him so when he was done, I quickly and silently left the room.

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