Chapter 4

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POV: Louise

Louise looked around. The monster had seemed to have vanished. And it took Kuchi-kopi with it. Louise drooped.

"We have to leave now. Goodbye, Louise. We'll come back tomorrow we promise. Don't give up."

"What?" Louise shook, "wait! No don't leave!"

There was no response from the voices. Whoever they were, they had left Louise too. She was truly alone. Louise's eyes filled with tears.

Something hit Louise's foot. Kuchi-kopi had been rolled over to her. Louise picked him up. She then turned to see who rolled it over to her. The monster.

"Fine," Louise sighed, "kill me. I have nothing left to live for anyway."

Louise tensed up as the green beast approached her. They stood face to face. Louise prepared herself for the worse. Then...

The monster let out a delightful, distorted squawk. It licked Louise's face like a puppy.

"Hey!" Louise jumped back, startled and confused.

The creature tilted its head.

"So you don't want to kill me," Louise realized.

The creature jumped joyfully.

"Hey you're not that bad," Louise smiled. She reached out to pet his head.

The creature let out a distorted purr.

"What even are you?" Louise wondered, "you look like if a cat jumped in toxic waste."

The creature nosed the Kuchi-kopi nightlight in Louise's hand.

"You like that thing don't you?" Louise smiled, "you're the same color as it too. I should give you a name huh?"

The creature licked Louise's face again.

"Yuck!" Louise chuckled.

He snatched Kuchi-kopi and ran away into the living room again.

"I'll call you Kopi," Louise smiled. He was the same color as Kuchi-kopi so it fit.

Louise ventured into her room, checking her clock. She realized it had been frozen on the same time all day.

'4:30 pm'

It clearly wasn't really that time. She checked the clock in her sister's room and surely enough it was stuck on the same time. Louise felt like this time was important. She couldn't remember why. She just had a hunch, something happened then.

Louise left her sister's room. It was reminding her too much about how she truly missed her family. There had to be a way to get back to them. Somehow, Louise would get back to them. Somehow. Like the voices said, "Don't give up."

//Hey everyone! So that was chapter 4! Sorry if these chapters are short lol. Hope you enjoy Louise's new big monster buddy! There will be more creatures like him in the story.. they just won't be so nice.. Anyway! Chapter 5 hopefully coming soon! Have fun figuring out what happened to Louise *evil laughter*//

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