"Reminds me of someone. Someone who walked on a broken ankle for three days before being carried to the doctors at the DEO." The matriarch gave her oldest daughter a look.

"I am a doctor."

"You didn't complete your residency."

"But I am still a doc-ow!" Alex sent Kara a scolding look after feeling tiny teeth nip at her fingers. Kara sent her a glare back.

That had been an interesting week. After fighting with a tough alien, Kara had realized her older sister was acting weird. Whenever she entered a room, she would always find Alex leaning against something, and she thought it was just to appear cool, but something was off. For example, during a meeting, Alex was sitting instead of partaking in her usual prowling, often scaring the other agents in the room. After cornering her sister, Kara looked at her legs and forced her to go to the DEO doctors, practically carrying Alex there.

Alex had been stubborn, especially when it came to wearing a cast and using crutches. Of course, J'onn had suggested the eldest go home, but she refused.

"Yeah yeah, I was stubborn. You didn't have to carry me on your back for the following weeks." Alex grumbled. "Anyways, I'll wait for the call then. And I'll talk to Winn and Ms. Luthor about where we go from here. How is agent Dom?"

"He's been doing well, brain activity is all good, and he had some plants for lunch. Agent Leon has been keeping him company. They tried playing chess an hour ago, and guess who won?" Eliza asked in amusement.

"Agent Leon?" Alex guessed, knowing the agent was a good chess player.

"Agent Dom won." Eliza let out a chuckle.

Alex let out a small laugh while Kara let out a huff. "At least he's doing well. Anything new with the alien?"

"I had dropped off some more food options: some meats, fruits, and vegetables. And it appears that they like fruits and vegetables more. They really didn't like the smell of meat and stayed in the corner of the cell until we finally removed it."

"Interesting," Alex muttered. "Anything else?"

"No. I will try sun blasting the sample I have and see if there are any changes. If I find anything new, I will call back."

"Sounds good, talk to you later mom-Ow!" Alex exclaimed as Kara lunged at the phone, her claws digging into Alex's pants. "Kara will miss you, bye!" Alex hung up, cutting off her mother's laughter.

"I wanted us to talk more," Kara whined, sitting back in Alex's lap. She looked up towards her sister, who gave her a soft look.

"We'll call her later, okay?"


Alex picked up her sister and placed her gently on the floor. "Let's go see what the geniuses are doing." Alex fixed the chairs, tucking them under the counter. "Do you think Ms-Lena would be able to make a collar that can translate your thoughts, like from that movie with the dogs? The one where you cried in the beginning?"

"...Up?" Kara jumped excitedly. "I can be Dug! Oh gosh, I can be Dug! Let's go talk to Lena!" Kara began running around Alex's legs.

Alex let out a laugh as she watched Kara fool around. "I take it you found a revelation."


Alex was displeased

"So what you're planning on doing is using my sister to improve your public image." There was an edge to Alex's voice, making Kara slink away from her. Winn moved away from the redhead as well, standing on the opposite side of her.

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