Chapter 5: The School

785 5 6

Hi - normal speech

Bonjour - Pokemon speech / Moves

Aloha - Thought

Ciao - Call or unknown

*NEW* You dummy! - Aura Communication


(No P.O.V)

"... attend the school" Ash said facing Leo, Dave, Pikachu and Moonlight.

"Really, school?" Leo asked with curiosity. (A.N -  A rule in this Pokemon story dimension is that they need at least a complete elementary education before becoming a Pokemon Trainer)

"Yeah. It's better we learn our opponents." Ash said. "But we'll have an advantage by training more if we decide not to go." Leo said countering.

"We can still train, but we can study too. Besides, we can find or reunite with friends who won't betray us." Ash said looking at the view from the edge of the cliff.

"Ash, cut the acting." Leo said in a serious. "Why do you really want to go?"

"They will be there. I will show them why they're wrong about me." Ash said in a dark tone that would make even Darkrai flinch.

"Not yet, Ash. We won't reveal ourselves yet." Leo said putting his arm around his shoulder. "We will see how they act to 'Red and Jake', only then will we act against them."

"Yeah, we should." Ash responded. "Shall we pack?"

"We shall. Bring only 6 Pokemon." Leo said. "But didn't Prof. Oak give us each a Nanodex? (A.N This is why Ash can carry all of his Pokemon)" Ash asked.

"People will be suspect us for carrying more than 6. But we will rotate through our Pokemon." Leo responded.

"Alright." Ash said.

-------------------------------(Le epic transition)----------------------------------------

"Alright, let's see if we got everything." Ash said.

"Spare clothes for a year?"

"Check" Leo said.

"Full restores and Revives?"

"Packed, master," Lucario said.


"Yup, we have plenty for the trip." Pikachu said looking at the dispense of food.


"Yup. I got Draco, Moonlight, Candle (Chandelure), Slug (East Gasrtodon), Puppo (Houndour) and just in case, I'll bring Charizard." Leo said pointing to each Pokeball.

"Are you sure you should bring Puppo? I mean, he's a bit young." Ash asked

"Yes, but he is improving a bit faster than the other Pokemon. Besides, he wanted to come along." Leo said sharing a memory with Aura

Flashback Leo P.O.V

"And the last one is Slug." I said announcing the temporary team for Galar High

Each Pokemon returned to their Pokeballs except Puppo who ran over to me. I knelt down to see what he wants.

"Dad, can I be on the team?" Puppo asked. He calls me Dad because when he was an egg, I took care of him. One day, the egg hatched and he started calling me Dad.

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